ripped off

Synopsis: You're both bitches for taking this to social media rather than handling your fucking business. If someone robbed me, only them and I would know the consequences If someone I knew was talking shit about me on the internet, I wouldn't join the forum to rebut him, I'd be going looking for him.

Is markymary the OP and trolling us all?
Lots of juvenille comments in this thread. Not pickin a side, I don't know any of the people.

But it should be locked.
Yeah I’m not picking sides either. They both suck ass.

But there’s no reason this thread should be locked. A lot of threads in this section go down like this.

Most of the time they turn into a proper shitfest right from the jump. And that’s just the way we like it.
Synopsis: You're both bitches for taking this to social media rather than handling your fucking business. If someone robbed me, only them and I would know the consequences If someone I knew was talking shit about me on the internet, I wouldn't join the forum to rebut him, I'd be going looking for him.

Is markymary the OP and trolling us all?
You don't even know me and your calling me a bitch. This must be the tough guy crew that talk behind the phone!
Many of us talk behind computers. Now that I have you here; what is it: Assyrians, gypsies or even Armenians?
Funny thing is, he’s the only one acting tough behind his phone/computer. Sometimes people don’t even realize when they’re making themselves look like fools.

@Gary Goodson are you going to let this guy go without the question? I mean he's in our safe space, dictating how a thread should be..., really?

I’m gonna let him make it without asking. He seems a little fragile.
@Gary Goodson are you going to let this guy go without the question? I mean he's in our safe space, dictating how a thread should be..., really?

"Your" safe place, eh?

From what I see you're another juvenille at this site. Takes all types....Some are here to learn or add knowledge, others are here compensating for a sad life.
Exactly right, WF.

Settle it in person, not drag the entire site thru a bitchfest.
Yeah I’m not picking sides either. They both suck ass.

But there’s no reason this thread should be locked. A lot of threads in this section go down like this.

Most of the time they turn into a proper shitfest right from the jump. And that’s just the way we like it.

Many of us talk behind computers. Now that I have you here; what is it: Assyrians, gypsies or even Armenians?
lol I first read that as assassin.:P