Risk of Pollination?


Well-Known Member
Was just saying that pollen can be transported as far as the person, bug, air, etc.. can take it. So really unless you scrubdown and put on clean cloths have your grow room air tight with filters on the intake you are never 100% safe.

If you are growing males to use for breeding, you will want them in a totaly different building preferibly with a few hundred yards of space or more between, and everytime you visit the males take a shower and change cloths. Also try to keep the females with filters on intake and filter the exhaust of the males grow room. Never take anything from the males growroom into the female grow room without washing it really good, and probably use bleach. With all this being said it still isn't 100%, good luck.

If you are refering to outdoor then see my first response.


Well-Known Member
I was gonna ask if I could contaminate my grow by carrying pollen in on my clothes. Guess y'all answered that one for me. Man who'd have thought one needed an ISO9001 certified cleanroom environment?