Ritalin VS Adderall -TOLL-

Ritalin Or Adderall? Whats best?

  • Ritalin

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Adderall

    Votes: 19 63.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
Are we talking for recreational use or for school and work? I have never used either recreationally but used adderall and adderall xr for school. I forget what dosage I was taking in high school but about 2 years back I got another Rx for it. It was a new doctor and I was a guy in my early 20s looking for a schedule 2 drug, she thought I was getting it to sell. She gave the the lowest dosage (5mg). I had to take 4 to even feel anything. Of course when I called her up saying I had exhausted my 30 day supply in a week she loled and said she would no longer be seeing me.

I am back on the big boys (20mg) and feeling it. 9 times out of 10 I can not eat all day and not be hungry in the least (lets see how quick I drop these 40 extra pounds) and I feel like absolute SHIT at the end of the day. I am a huge asshole and all I want to do is sleep. I am going to ask the doc for an anti-depressant to take the edge off (too bad I live in a redneck state and not a med state). Anyways I am going to ask the doc (he went to school in Cali) about smoking to take the edge off.


Well-Known Member
Are we talking for recreational use or for school and work? I have never used either recreationally but used adderall and adderall xr for school. I forget what dosage I was taking in high school but about 2 years back I got another Rx for it. It was a new doctor and I was a guy in my early 20s looking for a schedule 2 drug, she thought I was getting it to sell. She gave the the lowest dosage (5mg). I had to take 4 to even feel anything. Of course when I called her up saying I had exhausted my 30 day supply in a week she loled and said she would no longer be seeing me.

Ya i think im just going to try some bigg
I am back on the big boys (20mg) and feeling it. 9 times out of 10 I can not eat all day and not be hungry in the least (lets see how quick I drop these 40 extra pounds) and I feel like absolute SHIT at the end of the day. I am a huge asshole and all I want to do is sleep. I am going to ask the doc for an anti-depressant to take the edge off (too bad I live in a redneck state and not a med state). Anyways I am going to ask the doc (he went to school in Cali) about smoking to take the edge off.
Haha, yeah, i was going to try that, and say it just wassnt working for me, but i had the warning! My docter had the same thoughts, and i just played it as cool as hell, telling him i was holding off starting a job because of the big help in concentrating and and organising Ritalin igave me so i could give a good first impresion. LOL. I just made him feel bad about my potential being help back basically. LOL. Here its a schedula A of perscription, i think.

So anyways, im just sittan and awaiten, after exhausting my 90 10mgs after two weeks. A litle harsh i know, but i have plenty time to sober up off em.

So im going to say i got up to 60 a day, afer him giving me 15 mg a day to start with. Think its a fairly safe bet. And then say its giving me a undesirable zombie effect, and slight depresion, which it actually is.

What do you think? ill try for like 60mg of adderall a day as a transit., i think if i play it right, it should be no prob, what do ya think???

Yeah, adderall can keep me up for days on end, no prob, and i hear ya on the temporary raging, thats healty to stay away from.

And yeah, youll be a stud in like 3 days. haha


Well-Known Member
Shit its about even, im suprised. But yeah i think ill play it safe and just go for some more ritalin. and up it to the max. hehehe. 4 days bitches and gents.


Well-Known Member
well i dont think they evebn compare i tried ritalina few times and was a waste adderal ios kinda shitty too but i used to shoot 3.5g of ice a day so mybe my perception i soff if your gonna do a speed i would say dop ice before either of those but better yet you probably should steer clear of speed never met anyone wyho could handle it for long periods of time


Well-Known Member
yeah dont ask for both i didnt read everything on all the pages but i see a coupple post abov me if your gettin a script get adderal for sure

also usually if they will give you addys they will give you some benzos to go to sleep at nightw with too so


Well-Known Member
LOL, are you fucking nuts? When i here ice i hiss, fuck that shit. im thinking for the future it be good to throw in some coke.

But im curious on your opinion, since i know id love meth, which makes us one, what did adderall do for you that made you like it more?


Well-Known Member
The shitty thing is.. if i switch to aids, i have to start over on a gay low mg. think i could get it started a we bit higher since i have ritalin in my system..?


Well-Known Member
adderal gave me the tweak ie staying up late and some energy without the fun parts

ice oh my god ive had an ice shot that literally made me cum on myself its the ultimae euphoria ...for a while

but adderal is just a methyl group away ie one molecule away from being meth adderal is amphetamine ice is methamphetamine so your basically doing meth without the good parts when you do adderal

i have also shot adderal to compare and its about the same but effeects hit you fgaster still no euphoria or anything fun like that no digital vision or digital sound when everything turns into snow from the tv for about 10 seconds

man i wish i could do 1 more good ice shot without become instantly addicted and crazy but alas i cant

been 5 years + since ive done any stimulant besides caffeine and occasionally free coke or rock but i never liked coke anbd rock is ok


Well-Known Member
alright, enought with the meth talk, im getting horny.

My mom devolped parinoia skits from that shit which helps me avoid even dreaming about thinking about doing it, neva eva. cause i know like you say, itl jus take that one godamn time.

I dont know, ritalin always gave me euphoria throughout highschool, the same exact feeling coke gives me today.

All adderall ever did was keep my ass the fuck up. should i snort it?

Ritalin is a methamphetimine..no?


Well-Known Member
nah i dont think ritilin is a methamphetamine hold on ill find out i know its not meth amphetamine only well methamphetamine is lol but lemme see what is active ingredient in ritilin

no its methylphenidate which is a methyl but not an amphetamine lots of stuff has a methyl group


Well-Known Member
woww it says ritalin can cause drowsiness lol

so for speed purposes i would say that guives you your answwer lol


Well-Known Member
Causes drawsiness for people with add.. yeah.

Dude i will stay up all day year on that shit. I love it to because it turns me into an instant Pro skater, i shit you not, i can pul frontside 360's on my skateboard when im on this shit. Its like steriods for your stamina.

which should be closer chemically to coke would be the ultimate Q..?


Well-Known Member
i dont think either of them are really chemically or feeling wise close to coke at all have you done coke most people myself included that i know who enjoy amphetamines dont get off on coke

but yeah i believe you about the skating think i used to be able to play the djembe like crazy i could play 4 at once and do some sick shit ten i got off speed and lost all my rythme when i pick one up ;(

i still stand by thinking that adderal will do you better than ritalin especialy if you take 90-120+ mg at a time