RIU Hottest Men Top 10

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Well-Known Member
I vote for

1: Me
2: Stoned pony
for looking like Epic Beard Man,
3: The other me.
Jut kidding, actually akgrown, for rockin the badass bullet chains.


Well-Known Member
I'm almost tempted to post more pics................. In all fun I don't feel a need for voting, you guys are all cool shit.:blsmoke:


Active Member
Pony is winning with a whopping 3 votes :D COME ON BOYS!! Don't be shy, its all in good fun! I'm still debating on my 4 :( I just love you all too much!


Well-Known Member
I think the best looking of the bunch are also the oldest
1. StonedPony
2. legallyflying
3. and of course me dirtsurfr hahahahaha!!


Pickle Queen
bongsmilieYa Ganjulia great job!!!! fuck i've narrowed it down to 7 lmfao this is hard,

Mr April,pony,kmgt,killerbuds,see4,bobbypyn and akgrow who has a special place in my heart, i think it's all the metal and bullets around him

I still gotta think about this bongsmilie


Active Member
Hmmm lets see...
1. AKGrown - Hottest!
2. KillerVanilla - Very hot
3. LegallyFlying - Very bounceable!
4. See4 - You're Cute
5. 420 - I like your bush! lol (justkiddingfolks)
Socata Smoker is cute too but i think AKGrown should win...thats a hot pic.
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