RIU is being watched.. just be careful. Tread lightly..


Well-Known Member
just my two cents.

If the feds wanted our ip address's, to find out who's posting what, wouldn't they have to seize RIU's domain name and host servers?

obviously this isnt too much of a worry for people using proxy's or internet cafe's.


RIU Bulldog
Picture Fail. "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean the world ISN'T out to get you." Should read, "Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean the world IS out to get you." Otherwise the Paranoia would be justified.
Fail fail. For not getting the joke.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck i just heard a siren FUCK FUCK FUUUCKKKKKKKK! I just torched my house just in case i had missed anything incriminating.

Good god people need to grow up a bit and learn something before preaching their mouths off to the masses


Active Member
Tip Top, what you bitchin 'bout? I just learned that cops can actually LIE to us!
Shit, I've been incriminating myself for a whole year in here!

Now: they're coming to take me away...hehe,haha,hoho....to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time...and I just love those guys in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me AWA
Y haha!


King Tut
Tip Top, what you bitchin 'bout? I just learned that cops can actually LIE to us!
Shit, I've been incriminating myself for a whole year in here!

Now: they're coming to take me away...hehe,haha,hoho....to the funny farm where life is beautiful all the time...and I just love those guys in their clean white coats and they're coming to take me AWA
Y haha!
No law saying they gotta be honest.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I ent bitchin, just scared! that was a close one! :D

With regard to lying, 2 words. Video camera. The police are beginning to do their nuts in over being caught out on any and everything as a result of the prevalence of CCTV and personal cameras. Just look at the G20 Ian Thomlinson case, copper tried to blow the whole thing off as fuck that wasn't me, camera footage comes out and all of a sudden he's found to have illegally killed the guy. All of a sudden police are being held accountable for their actions thanks to cheap mobiles and youtube etc, they don't like it! One of the best phrases to know when you've a camera on the police is "am i obliged?" you'll very quickly know where you really stand in the situation. And i think the requirement to be honest is most likely incorporated in their oath although that would of course change from place to place, would need to read up on it. If they're gonna arrest you, tell the guy with the camera to leg it, they'll try take it best they can :D

benny blanco

Active Member
The card is a false sense of security but I guess that's cool. They still bust personal grows btw so all that "they want big comercial grows" is full of shit. I seen a house on the next block over get popped for having 3 outdoor plants that they saw from a chopper.
i mean ppl are gonna grow, and feds are gonna try to stop us. anybody growing illegaly can get busted at any time. im sure they can trace the IP addresses from the pics and shit wouldnt be hard. but thats like going on facebook and trying everyone who says something about being high. doing all that uses resources that cost. so there not gonna spend money to catch a dude growing a plant in a closet for some personal. if they know about it they'll bust u, but there not gonna put time into something harmless. im still doing my thing and not paranoid at all. no telling how many other ppl in the suburbs are doing the same. i need my med


RIU Bulldog
I honestly think that the card system is how they're finding out who's growing. Then one day they're gonna take everyones cards and outlaw growing again and then they'll know who's growing. Until it's legallized federally, I'm gonna keep growing the same way I've always been, underground.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
I honestly think that the card system is how they're finding out who's growing. Then one day they're gonna take everyones cards and outlaw growing again and then they'll know who's growing. Until it's legallized federally, I'm gonna keep growing the same way I've always been, underground.
mygirls rules.can't be an indian giver.. im gonna grow eeven if they ever took our privlage of growing away..


Active Member
Everyone on this site should be running through a proxy. If they aren't already using a dynamic IP. It's just precautionary. At which point, as long as you're not posting incriminating pics, you should be safe.

It's rather sad that a few losers with nothing better to do can ruin a good thing. Can you imagine what some of these people must be like in real life? Eww....


King Tut
In Cali anyway, the only record of your card is in your medical file unless you opt for the 24 hr verification or register in your county. Would take a warrant to get the medical records and even then it wouldn't be a for sure thing(Dr/Pt priveledge, a.k.a. HIPPA).


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, don't you mean... Thread Lightly?bongsmilie

And What bout those fake links of lies that records IPs for sending to the pigs???
Huh... So if I click on an *attack* site link on one of the narc trolls threads at RIU, or anywhere for that matter as long as it has to do with the famed Cannabis Plant, a.k.a the equivalent of 10 child pornography rings, the feds are going to go on a South American safari to the drug lands and... extract me? Just me?... Haha what's up with some State giving out Life Sentences for hash holders? What B.S. I guess the devil has his penis firmly planted into the mouth of most politicians, then they can talk out of their ass. I hate people that obey the Devil's penis