Riu island


Well-Known Member
man ive been thinkin this whole time. neo u kinda covered it. good picks
Yeah man, I thought long and hard about who would be needed to start a new civilization.

I forgot Mojo though. The whole plan would probably collapse without his expert... expertise on all matters of expertness. You're the resident fresh water finder Mojo.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I thru with my breeding years anyway......just for sport with me. I'll be sitting by the fire eating lobster.....
Yes I'd like to reserve a chair by the fire pit :) preferably lobster adjacent and butter for my beverage.

its not funny when youre told everyday at the restaurant you work in you cant be a chef and thats what youre working your ass off trying ot be
LOL joke's on him, you already are, dude's jealous of raw talent. You know what could be a service, a vegan eatery with a path menu for people who have no clue about the diet and lifestyle, tasty canadian education :)


Well-Known Member
I seen this thread the other day but needed time to think about this.
Like many others have noted there many here I wish to have on the island, so know this, my island is huge.

Basic science expert/s: Those with a working knowledge of applied sciences, beneficial to the group- cn, c2g
Agriculture expert: 420god
Cultural Specialist: neosapien, kinetic, ebgood, mysunnyboy
Education: GW, racerboy, Gioua, eye exaggarate
Culinary Expert/s; sunni, fumble
Engineers: dirtsurfer, bombur, barnbuster
Wildlife control; GWN, see4, joe macclennan
Music therapy: shr88, dirtyho1968, chewberto
Security: minne, indagrow

I reserve the right to amend this list, so I may add to or adjust accordingly ;)

There's more lol?!


Well-Known Member
If there are any trees on the island, & I can get somebody to give me a hand, we'll get busy building a log cabin, I built my first one at 23........electricity would be helpful but not mandatory. Oh & I'm pretty good at smoking salmon...among other things.....



Well-Known Member
I muster up a crew an steal that Battleship in Camden NJ. I`ll circle the island 24/7/365 to protect against forced entry and you from yourselves. I`ll appoint hereshegrows as Ambassador and she`ll have to visit the ship no less than three times a week for observation and smoke supply. I will not be responsible for her actions.


Well-Known Member
I seen this thread the other day but needed time to think about this.
Like many others have noted there many here I wish to have on the island, so know this, my island is huge.

Basic science expert/s: Those with a working knowledge of applied sciences, beneficial to the group- cn, c2g
Agriculture expert: 420god
Cultural Specialist: neosapien, kinetic, ebgood, mysunnyboy
Education: GW, racerboy, Gioua, eye exaggarate
Culinary Expert/s; sunni, fumble
Engineers: dirtsurfer, bombur, barnbuster
Wildlife control; GWN, see4, joe macclennan
Music therapy: shr88, dirtyho1968, chewberto
Security: minne, indagrow

I reserve the right to amend this list, so I may add to or adjust accordingly ;)

There's more lol?!


Well-Known Member
Mojo's island- part 2

Medicinal Garden Experts: doublejj, TWS, F.M.I.L.Y, Garden Boss, SOMEBEECH and TokaLot
Town Crier: unclebuck
Linguist: Lahadaextranjera
Historian: Pad, james2500


Well-Known Member
if i had the money id buy land in mid west area. you can get some serious acres for under 100k.. be cool to kind of commune up i guess lol. build, farm.. start an off the grid society basically.


Well-Known Member
if i had the money id buy land in mid west area. you can get some serious acres for under 100k.. be cool to kind of commune up i guess lol. build, farm.. start an off the grid society basically.