RIU Kinship after bitter start


Hello everyone nice to meet you. I go by the Bunnyfather or Bunny. I'm second time new here, my first experience on RIU was mostly unpleasant. So I took a break, and decided to try it again.

I happy to report that this time I enjoy this site and the people I've had the pleasure to chat with.

I'm just an old grower, I enjoy every step from researching strains to curing the spoils :-) Producing high quality, clean medical marijuana and a few personal relaxation strains is what keeps me content.

I'm a heavy smoker, I've been high every day since 2001 and since 2009 my intake has been a minimum of 5g a day. That was sparked by a life-threatening illness. I bet it, I've kept smoking and I feel amazing all the time. I look forward to learning and sharing with everyone here.


Well-Known Member
Hey Bunny,

Sorry you had a bad experience the first time around. Everyone has good and bad days, including the people here. Hopefully that won't get under your skin when it happens and you stick around to become a contributor yourself.

What are the personal relaxation strains you're liking these days? I'm always listening for new recommendations.

Good luck with your next grow,


My old favorites are KC, Northern Lights and something I made by accident years ago I call MichWood. Newer stuff I like Bubblicious, I crossed it with a Afghan a while back and I like it a lot. I call that one Bunnylicious :-) and I like El Conquistador a lot.

How about you?


Staff member
hi bunny. welcome back, just ignore thepeople who are rude to you, it is the internet but its still life assholes at every corner!


Well-Known Member
I've had issues here as well, not so much with my posts, but the consistent responses to other's questions, frequently seem juvenile/disrespectful to me, I realize there are a LARGE amount of stupid questions being repeated daily, course that's a forum for ya, I've been growing since the days of magnetic, non-remote metal halide ballasts that weighed nearly 20kg, and put out a metric ton of BTUs... Things have gotten SO much better. It's incredible.
Like anything though, I just try and take what I can from this site, but honestly there isn't much (just a few things)that I've learned that good ole Ed Rosenthal/Jorge Cervantes/subscription to high times didn't teach me in the 90's. The most useful thing, to me, is the smoke reports, and the seedbank reports.