RIU Meet And Greet (Possibly)


Active Member
knew a few down in s umpqua... grew some nice herb! started out in vida myself... oregon is soooo green! ;-)


Active Member
Do believe that if looking to really make it happen... been to one & the interest is always high but the actual showing a bit lower... then it should really go to PM's for any specific information, just to be safe(r).

Should be publicly stated that this gathering of free minds & wills:
~ is for those with qualifying medical conditions under the State MMj laws
~ will not represent an exchange of medications for profit
~ is not a collective gathering or otherwise organized event
~ is not affiliated with RIU or any other party
~ will be within the statutory limits for each person/patient
~ is a private gathering of free American citizens on private property

Just so no one gets the wrong idea... ;-)


Well-Known Member
haha, aint no stoners gonna go to some meet and greet, lol, half of these people do guerilla grows and the other half grow illegally indoors,... theres very few us who actually have the rec card and follow the rules in our medical statutes... great idea but i dont think it would happen, plus i live in so cal, the only thing im hiking to is gonna be a chick in a bikini....lol,

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
the only thing anyone who goes such an event is gonna be sharing is a court case,....haha
Thats why i originally said a park..the idea was NO MEDS...however, if a private citizen who is also a medical patient has a small gathering for friends who also happen to be medical patients, and all the patients follow the law, then WTF?


Active Member
I think its cool rzza is down enough to open his home to us. I like the original idea of a super casual meet at a park tho, get to know people and all that first. Plus that way, people traveling could bring friends/family that aren't cardholders. I completely respect and understand rzza saying cardholders only at his home. I'm more interested in meeting than trading (initially). Plus, if you guys get me all blown out at rzza's Ill end up lost and sleeping at the closest jet's pizza.

Also, are the parks dog friendly? He's pretty much all I've got and always take him on trips as a copilot.


Well-Known Member
that's the part where i pay money....the traveling...commuting to court sounds even worse in my particular case you see.....hence my opinion...
i don't see how me popping up like captain obvious would warrant the label, 'troll'...but thank you for your kind words none the less

my apologies for soiling your fine thread....

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
I think its cool rzza is down enough to open his home to us. I like the original idea of a super casual meet at a park tho, get to know people and all that first. Plus that way, people traveling could bring friends/family that aren't cardholders. I completely respect and understand rzza saying cardholders only at his home. I'm more interested in meeting than trading (initially). Plus, if you guys get me all blown out at rzza's Ill end up lost and sleeping at the closest jet's pizza.

Also, are the parks dog friendly? He's pretty much all I've got and always take him on trips as a copilot.
Yeah most of the metro parks allow dogs (some breed restrictions), but i agree too, i am always weary of trading on the first meet.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
that's the part where i pay money....the traveling...commuting to court sounds even worse in my particular case you see.....hence my opinion...
i don't see how me popping up like captain obvious would warrant the label, 'troll'...but thank you for your kind words none the less

my apologies for soiling your fine thread....
No biggie, just being captain obvious myself...sorry for the troll title just want this thread on topic. the people who are scared or unsure will not show and that is fine with me, the people that do show will probably have a good time.


Active Member
Yeah most of the metro parks allow dogs (some breed restrictions), but i agree too, i am always weary of trading on the first meet.
Hmmm... well I imagine pitbull is on the top of that list, it usually is.

I'll keep an eye out. Did you have a certain park in mind? I can check it out for dog rules and other stuff nearby (skateparks?)