this is a place to vent frustrations, the people who agree with you will support your venting, the people who disagree with you will call you a fucktard....and thats about all thats ever going to be achieved on any forum on any website, ever.
to expect this blather to actually DO anything is idiocy. no one reads this shit but us, and unless someone here is really good at hiding their position, not a single one of us even work for the government, much less holds a position of any authority.
as a matter of fact, posting here is wasting time you could be using to actually go out and picket, or attend rallies and let your opinion be known a little more publicly.
so, to recap, posting here or anywhere else about politics is just you venting....thats all it's ever been, and all it's ever going to be...
venting is ok, as a matter of fact, it's probably good for you, but to expect it to make a difference....not going to happen