RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

She's done dude get over it. You can spew out the propaganda all you want. She's going to lose and go to prison or have an "accident". For the sake of not having unneeded alerts I'm ignoring your fake ass until November when I can check back in when you lose your shit...lol take care now bucky poo.

That's like Trump saying he's not going to watch CNN . all talk no action,weak.
Really can you prove that?


trump did business with qadaffi.

Hitlery's interaction with him was summed up in "We came. We Saw. He Died."

Ask a Libyan how much they hate Quadaffi now he's no longer their ruler. Bet the answer surprises you.

I'd rather interact by doing business w/ someone than interact with someone else I know is wishing (and actively making happen) death on me.
You know, interaction for mutual benefit. The first step of international diplomacy.
I know that diplomacy is a concept that's a little beyond your ken but perhaps you can get someone to read to you about it.

Miss me Buckold?
Hitlery's interaction with him was summed up in "We came. We Saw. He Died."

Ask a Libyan how much they hate Quadaffi now he's no longer their ruler. Bet the answer surprises you.

I'd rather interact by doing business w/ someone than interact with someone else I know is wishing (and actively making happen) death on me.
You know, interaction for mutual benefit. The first step of international diplomacy.
I know that diplomacy is a concept that's a little beyond your ken but perhaps you can get someone to read to you about it.

Miss me Buckold?

what does any of that have to do with trump doing business with a murdering dictator?
lol trump doing business with a murdering dictator. That might actually qualify him then for presidency. Hillary accepted money from terrorists. Does that make it a wash?
And drug dealers and all manner career criminal ls cash is king with ole Hillary. Latest scandal would be her proped up on God knows what kind of drugs, being feed answers and responses trough an ear piece, and sending signals too the moderator so he can toss her a soft ball to hit with the zinger her staffer's are feeding her. Watch some videos she touches her face with one finger with her right hand. There was also some obviousextra body language and eye contact between the two. I was totally wasted when I watched that rigged shit show and still saw it plain as day