RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

You can talk all you want to but Hillary has essentially pulled out of Ohio and she has no chance in hell in Florida. If Florida and Ohio are gone then she is toast.

actually, she's leading in florida, and the whole "trump violated the cuban embargo and lied straight to the faces of cuban americans" story has yet to really drop.

but i will concede florida and ohio to you. also, iowa, nevada, north carolina, georgia, and arizona too.

Screenshot 2016-10-01 at 7.13.56 PM.png

she still wins.
or a weightlifting accident at 4am

or blowing your brains out in a park

or having your certified plane explode mid flight ( 3 times )

or overdosing on mouthwash

or 2 more suicides after fucking Killarys husband

or being assinated the day before you give testimony

or being assassinated in the middle of the sidewalk

at least 57 deaths are tied to the Clinton machine going all the way back to when bill was governor & keep adding up.

There is a " Hillary killed my cat " tread for delusional rants like this. Why do you lie about doing time in prison ?
Ah -- The 'choomer' cockroach returns from sewer lurking!

Still the same old brainless bigot and frightened whitecunt! Let's talk about your various guns, how "those people" commit most of the crime, and how you used to have wet dreams about Romney. Hey, remember that time Alex Jones fingered your asshole?! Cheers!

Ya, you get turtled w/o the advertised warning in the banner and it makes you a little disinterested in watching this extra-special microcosm of liberal delusion.

But I see that policy still hasn't interfered w/ your wanton distribution of defamatory nomenclature with so much to substantiate it. You are truly a vessel for the whine that is Bucky.

"Happy" to see you too, Babaloo.
But now that I have, I think I'll just assume you'll always be around like a pair of socks damp from the morning "private time" and save minutes of my life used skipping your posts.

See ya!