We're talking about Julian assange derrp. Host ? You mean moderator. You Trump tards are uniquely stupid.
I care about his kitty..
699k is pocket change compared to Trump's near billion dollar loss
And how will trump help it? Other than unconstitutional stop and frisk that'll cause more crimeHow has hillary or obama helped the black community?
I built several of my rifles. how does that make someone a "pussy" or does the right wing consider everyone who has a skill and an education a "pussy"
Umm.. that's not even 70% of a million. So yeah.. chump change compared to a billionIt's 70% of a billion so not exactly chump change either.
But even if you consider it paltry, it's still admitting to using the same tax device as Dumph for exactly the same reason that she castigated him for.
I'm more interested in the proven collusion w/ the DNC and MSM to defraud the body of the party their true choice courtesy of WikiLeaks.
THAT is one of the best indicators of the future propaganda programs of the Clit'n dynasty.
I did not realise it was the wiki leaks guy. I used host instead of moderator, my bad. HOST is a synonym of MODERATOR. http://www.thesaurus.com/browse/host
You call me a tard for using a word that means the same thing as another word. Your trolling game is as lame as the clinton campaign.
Right.. check out who's in the leadHillary has almost $300 million more for her campaign and still can't gather support like trump.
Hillary has almost $300 million more for her campaign and still can't gather support like trump.
YupI care about his kitty..
699k is pocket change compared to Trump's near billion dollar loss
yup Hillary did do a write off 0f 699,540.
Have you ever stayed in one? Your husband?Hey, if it happened it happened. The law says he can claim it on his taxes.
So what exactly is the problem? He still has a company, he still employs thousands of people, builds beautiful hotels..
All legal. Hillary's server on the other hand...
Your a tard for not knowing what you're talking about.
Right.. check out who's in the lead
Lol you linked infowars.. that's a joke right?I was unaware of the host/moderator for next debate. You don't even know that host and moderator are used to describe the same position.
Clearly shows bias for Hillary at the polls using CNNs own release. The only way Hillary is winning this is by stealing it with a troll army backing her.
Have fun trolls.
damn did you link infowars ?I was unaware of the host/moderator for next debate. You don't even know that host and moderator are used to describe the same position.
Clearly shows bias for Hillary at the polls using CNNs own release. The only way Hillary is winning this is by stealing it with a troll army backing her.
Have fun trolls.
you beat me to itLol you linked infowars.. that's a joke right?
I think the burden of retardation sits squarely in your lap
Says you. Why you so angry?Your cat is of no concern.
1k here Trump loses