RIU Summer Fishing Trips

That's what the boats run. Since everyone is trolling at the same time, there are a lot of lines in the water at once. The more everyone uses the same line, the more they all hang at the same angle & less tangles.
I have a couple poles im thinking about. Better to bring a longer or shorter? I have a 7ft and an 8ft6in.
Looks like you guys are going to have a blast! All "fun" has been cancelled for the summer for me as we need to save to move. I hope that you guys limit out!
Lets go fishing!
Looks like we have a bit of interest in a fishing "get together" by a few of us members. Please all interested add suggestions on where and when to do this. Here's my thoughts.
3 Trips, one in June, one in July, and one in August. We can have our own fishing derby.
1) Salmon fishing off a charter near camping. I believe Bodega Bay has near by camping, can't be U.S. Forest service land or National parks for camping, both federal.
2) Delta fishing trip or Northern Ca. fishing. Lake, river, whatever. I know nothing of those fishing/camping areas up north, but know of a few on the delta/Sac river.
3) High Sierra/Eastern sierra trout fishing. I know many spots to fish on the "east side", not sure where to camp though. Maybe in the high desert near one of the hot springs?

Lots of research needed for all locations, any and all suggestions welcome.
You guys gonna come fish some tuna down here ?
I was wondering if anybody was going to mention the south coast- it got totally left out.