RIU User Guide & FAQ 2019

I found that, but it lists everything I am watching, the old style would show me the ones I hadnt read yet, which was a great option so Im hoping it is coming back
yes, like that, but i was going to delete that bit and reply to the other.....what am i missing (please dont say brain, please done say brain)? Did u highlight and delete and if so did u just use the left click button like we have always done? Just wont work for me.

I hit "reply" and simply left clicked & dragged through the portion I wanted to get rid of & hit "delete".
I then did the same with what I was addressing & hit the "bold" button & *Poof*.
Does it not work for you like that?
I found that, but it lists everything I am watching, the old style would show me the ones I hadnt read yet, which was a great option so Im hoping it is coming back
You will see all the threads you've watched but the ones that are unread will be "bold" type.
I hit "reply" and simply left clicked & dragged through the portion I wanted to get rid of & hit "delete".
I then did the same with what I was addressing & hit the "bold" button & *Poof*.
Does it not work for you like that?
No. It used to before the update but doesn't now.
Ok i got it to work but its not as clear or as easy as it was and still is on other forums.
Left click and drag through to were u want to stop- no highlighting to see if its even working is the issue.
@sunni / Admin... I am new to this forum. Just go over the rules and I can't find if sharing books/articles are allowed or not. Can admin of RIU let me know? I have many cannabis-related books that I don't mind sharing, but I won't if sharing is against forum rules.
@sunni / Admin... I am new to this forum. Just go over the rules and I can't find if sharing books/articles are allowed or not. Can admin of RIU let me know? I have many cannabis-related books that I don't mind sharing, but I won't if sharing is against forum rules.
I have seen people post links to books stored off site, I doubt they would want copyrighted material uploaded directly here though.
I have seen people post links to books stored off site, I doubt they would want copyrighted material uploaded directly here though.
I understand. I have the links to fetch about 170 books, all cannabis-related books. So, it's the links that I will be sharing, not actually upload individual books. The more I think about it, I think it shouldn't be an issue. It's like I post some website links here. I will start the new thread and post it there.
I understand. I have the links to fetch about 170 books, all cannabis-related books. So, it's the links that I will be sharing, not actually upload individual books. The more I think about it, I think it shouldn't be an issue. It's like I post some website links here. I will start the new thread and post it there.

I think that may have been shared here already but go for it.
@sunni / Admin... I am new to this forum. Just go over the rules and I can't find if sharing books/articles are allowed or not. Can admin of RIU let me know? I have many cannabis-related books that I don't mind sharing, but I won't if sharing is against forum rules.
No I don’t care
But if the people who wrote them come and tell me to take it down I will
Just curious why esosseeds thread got locked? I never commented in it nor did I do anything to have it locked.

Why is it that people cant share the experiences with my crosses? There are a lot of threads with breeders interacting on threads and they aren't sponors??

Just wondering why I'm getting the business. I've hashtagged RIU in almost all of my post on IG. I've been a member in good standing and promoted this site and many of its members for years.
Just curious why esosseeds thread got locked? I never commented in it nor did I do anything to have it locked.

Why is it that people cant share the experiences with my crosses? There are a lot of threads with breeders interacting on threads and they aren't sponors??

Just wondering why I'm getting the business. I've hashtagged RIU in almost all of my post on IG. I've been a member in good standing and promoted this site and many of its members for years.
I’m not the one who closed it but it looks heavily advertising to me I’ll have to ask the staff memeber who closed it as they may have more information

Well lock things if member spam FOR a company because they have ties etc

While I think it’s awesome you tag Riu and promote the website the website itself doesn’t do tit or tat kinda deals as far as I’m aware
I’m not the one who closed it but it looks heavily advertising to me I’ll have to ask the staff memeber who closed it as they may have more information

Well lock things if member spam FOR a company because they have ties etc

While I think it’s awesome you tag Riu and promote the website the website itself doesn’t do tit or tat kinda deals as far as I’m aware
The first one I made came off that way and it was deleted completely with out any notice of what was done wrong (another member told me that was prob why)

the next got locked I just posted some pics of a few plant I grew from seed myself and my experience with them. And a really sweet looking slap sticker that did not have a website name in it anymore. I’d hardly call that spamming the site it was only one thread? It’s not like I made numerous threads

I have no ties to thenotsoestoric other than I met him on here at riu like many others and I tested a batch of seeds for him like I have for many members here in the past.

I gained nothing from showing off those plants other than maybe some bragging rights. And some nugs that were the fruit of my labors after months of caring for a plant that we all share a love for.

I don’t cause any issue here and would appreciate it if we could unlock that thread it won’t mention sales or another website just a thread with strain info and pictures

we’ve always gotten along so hoping we can figure out a solution I would just like to show off pics of plants I enjoyed growing