RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
Did someone say anal? :)

Thanks again. Honestly appreciated.

I'm all in on the gym but agree with Sunni its pointless if I'm eating all the wrong food.

Those links look good and pretty easy to follow. Can't see me whisking n shit tho. I'm busy and lazy. A terrible combo.lol


Well-Known Member
yeah haha, it does really all boil down to nutrition..cal in vs cal out and the energy your body is getting from food. you want the food you take in to be used efficiently. things i avoid just off the top of my head, anything fried, any salad dressings / sauces, sugars (your body doesnt need sugar unless med issues obvs) and its one of the things thats in everrrryytthiinngg, bread/ crackers and chips.. cereals...uhh...lol


Well-Known Member
and yeah i love cooking and its pretty easy, i dread it sometimes but when im cooking chicken and everyone else is eating pizza its like yeah i bet its good but i bet ill look better than you will..theres a competitive aspect to getting in shape, theres a quote:

everytime you wake up late, everytime you skip a workout everytime you cheat on your diet...someone out there is getting ahead of you..and well.. fuck that lol..that makes me wanna go lift now!!! RAAAGGGE!!! no im jklol


Well-Known Member
Did someone say anal? :)

Thanks again. Honestly appreciated.

I'm all in on the gym but agree with Sunni its pointless if I'm eating all the wrong food.

Those links look good and pretty easy to follow. Can't see me whisking n shit tho. I'm busy and lazy. A terrible combo.lol
Dr. G, when you start putting healthy food in your body, you will feel so much better you'll find you want to take the extra time. Besides, once you get your eating habits dialed in, it's simple.

Everyone eat your greens.


Staff member
yeah haha, it does really all boil down to nutrition..cal in vs cal out and the energy your body is getting from food. you want the food you take in to be used efficiently. things i avoid just off the top of my head, anything fried, any salad dressings / sauces, sugars (your body doesnt need sugar unless med issues obvs) and its one of the things thats in everrrryytthiinngg, bread/ crackers and chips.. cereals...uhh...lol
nothing wrong with salad dressing if you make it yourself as well as sauces
your body does indeed benefit from fruits which have sugar ,they also contain phytonutrients and fibre, which is good for you


Well-Known Member
People hate finding out that those abs come more from eating clean than working out.
Turkey breast, shrimp, tuna and veggies.
Oatmeal for breakfast.
As much water as you can stand then drink more.
Eat Every three hours ish.
Avoid red meat n dairy.

All protiein is not equal.

Olive oil n avacados are good for you and help maintain a full feeling.

Raw unsalted nuts are a great snack in small portions.
Ie 10 unsalted almonds.

Eat all the salad you like but remember to forget all the cheese n ranch.

When you start adding cheese use it like salt, just a small bit.

More veggies.
More fruit.


The real trick is to find ways to keep food interesting.
You do have to plan your meals and possibly carry snacks with you so you dont find yourself
in mcdonalds sucking dick for a fat fix.


Well-Known Member
nothing wrong with salad dressing if you make it yourself as well as sauces
your body does indeed benefit from fruits which have sugar ,they also contain phytonutrients and fibre, which is good for you
i mean it depends how hard youre trying to acheive your goals.. if you dont mind it being a little harder and take a little longer to achieve results..use a looser diet, the diet im referring to is a pretty strict diet for results pretty fast, but its also geared toward adding lean mass and cutting fat asap. specifically a weight loss diet would be different, it also depends what your diet looks like now.. and what works for me may not work for you or vice versa, like for example some people can eat bread when they cut, i cannot. lol..and yes sugar from fruit is the best sugar you can eat, but at the end of the day its still sugar..and you body doesnt need it.