RIU Weight loss Support Group


Well-Known Member
I am just stating what is going on with me ! Not saying its right but I eat things where I am comfortable with a healthy balance not saying its right but this is what I am doing may not be for anyone but am comfortable with myself and feel great!!!


Active Member
I just don't understand the high rep oly movements. Even oly athletes do them for few reps for explosive power.


Well-Known Member
Holy shit you just quoted your own post lol but this is a weight loss link. Id rather push the healthy side of weight loss rather than the weak un healthy side like drinking and not eating. That's fucked up. For real.
Ok your like what a health gym rat. Had a guy like that but had little man syndrome stop with the Holy then though attitude your picture says it all little man syndrome !!!


Active Member
Ok your like what a health gym rat. Had a guy like that but had little man syndrome stop with the Holy then though attitude your picture says it all little man syndrome !!!
Too funny. I just stated the obvious. You quoted your own post. You also should try and continue your education because at some points in your post I feel like I am deciphering the davinci code. Now I'm done being an ass hole.

abe supercro

Well-Known Member
Your right that is so not right gross in fact!
That is so funny that you quoted your-own previous post's comments unconsciously in the same thread where you discuss your alcohol use. also you weren't very kind to goham32. I need to loose 15lbs of fat too!


Well-Known Member
Holy shit you just quoted your own post lol but this is a weight loss link. Id rather push the healthy side of weight loss rather than the weak un healthy side like drinking and not eating. That's fucked up. For real.
Yup I was drinking to much last night that was a fucked up thing to do is quote yourself I am laughing at myself. I agree with you with the healthy side instead of focusing on unhealthy again my apologies for my disrespectful behavior to you GoHAM32.


Well-Known Member
Yup I was drinking to much last night that was a fucked up thing to do is quote yourself I am laughing at myself. I agree with you with the healthy side instead of focusing on unhealthy again my apologies for my disrespectful behavior to you GoHAM32.
It's all good HG! LOL. Although I for one enjoyed the spelling fails:

Ok your like what a health gym rat. Had a guy like that but had little man syndrome stop with the Holy then though attitude your picture says it all little man syndrome !!!


Undercover Mod
I just got back from my mountain hiking trip. It was awesome. I almost died of exhaustion. We climbed Algonquin peak the second tallest mountain in NY. We climbed Mount Marcy last year and that was a much easier climb than this was. My knee went bum the second day and I had to climb and hike 3 miles on a shot knee.



Staff member
Try gluten free its a protein your body can't digest all natural foods fruits, veggies, dairy no processed food lost 30 lbs no drinking that was hard but had smoke to help no smoke back on alchol until grow is good. Feel great keep active a body in motion stays in motion a body at rest stays at rest. Good luck my friend
ehh to the gluten free thing.
most people think they are gluten intolerant, because they "feel so much better" after not eating gluten the simple fact is that they were just OVER eating gluten,
half a loaf of bread isnt going to make anyone feel good.


Well-Known Member
ehh to the gluten free thing.
most people think they are gluten intolerant, because they "feel so much better" after not eating gluten the simple fact is that they were just OVER eating gluten,
half a loaf of bread isnt going to make anyone feel good.
YES YES YES!!! It's just another marketing scam.

There are many articles written by gastroenterologists and allergist docs who claim (barring Celiac's disease) that there is no such thing as a gluten allergy. They do concede to perhaps a sensitivity but nothing more. I just finished Rob Wolf's book on the Paleo diet and I just can't get behind his agenda. I agree he cited credible sources, but I can show at least two other books (vegan and macrobiotic eating) that say claim the exact same health benefits VERBATIM of including whole or sprouted grains in your eating plan.

I think some can tolerate gluten better than others but it's specific to each person's body. Sunni you are so right. When folks cut out the overcounsumption of simple carbohydrates in their diet, they DO feel better? Why? b/c simple carbs convert to instant sugar in the bloodstream, then once metabolized, your blood sugar crashes leading the body to crave more to get energy. Americans eat SO much processed food bread we don't even realize. Bread is not a whole food.

Read on:

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Active Member
Yup I was drinking to much last night that was a fucked up thing to do is quote yourself I am laughing at myself. I agree with you with the healthy side instead of focusing on unhealthy again my apologies for my disrespectful behavior to you GoHAM32.
It's all good. Shit happens. Thank you for apologizing.


Staff member
YES YES YES!!! It's just another marketing scam.

There are many articles written by gastroenterologists and allergist docs who claim (barring Celiac's disease) that there is no such thing as a gluten allergy. They do concede to perhaps a sensitivity but nothing more. I just finished Rob Wolf's book on the Paleo diet and I just can't get behind his agenda. I agree he cited credible sources, but I can show at least two other books (vegan and macrobiotic eating) that say claim the exact same health benefits VERBATIM of including whole or sprouted grains in your eating plan.

I think some can tolerate gluten better than others but it's specific to each person's body. Sunni you are so right. When folks cut out the overcounsumption of simple carbohydrates in their diet, they DO feel better? Why? b/c simple carbs convert to instant sugar in the bloodstream, then once metabolized, your blood sugar crashes leading the body to crave more to get energy. Americans eat SO much processed food bread we don't even realize. Bread is not a whole food.

Read on:

paleo diet is really bad..i cant get behind it either

if anyone wants a more healthier bread.
i use silver hills their packing is crafty and cute, they also have gluten free if people really wanna get into it


while working in many restaurants i can assure you the gluten free thing is such a fad

its like the people who come in and are like IM VEGAN.
"okay let us prepare a vegan food for you"
"actually ill have the chicken im flexible."

thats the face i make
youre not fucking gluten intolerant you fucking over eat gluten cause youre gluttonous and than you feel shitty after for have 4 sandwiches

although i will say there is studies showing a children with autism responding better without diary and gluten in their diets. ive also witnessed it first hand
my aunt who is SUPER ORGANIC everything must be healthy removed diary and gluten and my little cousin is responding much better.

i added to that because i realized anyone could say well its cause of the sugary shitty foods kids eat but she only allows healthy food in the house shes worse than i am


Well-Known Member
I drink a quart of whole milk Kefir a day. I make it. Raw eggs also. Super bio-available protein, and 20 something different types of microbes. I've lost close to 40 pounds over 4 years. That's the other thing. Fast loss = fast gain. Slow loss = no gain


Well-Known Member

I eat this. Sprouted grains are easy to digest and have very absorbable nutrients…

On a related note: Cross fit is kicking my ass. Wanted to post a pic of the Goriilla Bob who struts around giving everyone unsolicited advice, (He doesn't even work there) I wanted to throw a kettle ball at his crotch….
