RIU, You chose it, I'm growing it. Fucking Incredible!


Well-Known Member
Probably doesn't make a damn bit of difference to the finished product. I like the extra rigidity so that I can get more equipment off the ground. Leaves more room for the crop.

With all that equipment, walking around in there is a bitch though. I'm 6'4" 300lbs so walking around in there wasn't really gonna happen too often anyway.


Well-Known Member
Probably doesn't make a damn bit of difference to the finished product. I like the extra rigidity so that I can get more equipment off the ground. Leaves more room for the crop.

With all that equipment, walking around in there is a bitch though. I'm 6'4" 300lbs so walking around in there wasn't really gonna happen too often anyway.
Haha, I don't walk around in mine at all. My carbon filter is just outside the tent. My 3x3 tray and the plants pretty much fill the 4x4 space in my tent.
My veg area is in an 8x4 closet and of course has TONS of room. I've considered flipping this around so I would use the closet for flower and veg in the smaller tent, but for now I like things the way that they are.


Well-Known Member
I've been walkin around in there while I'm setting shit up. I'm all done now though . . . time to grow. My babies are a week older than yours. I've got the 1000w MH waiting for them, but I'm scared I'll merk em with too much light. What do you think?


Well-Known Member
I've been walkin around in there while I'm setting shit up. I'm all done now though . . . time to grow. My babies are a week older than yours. I've got the 1000w MH waiting for them, but I'm scared I'll merk em with too much light. What do you think?
Alright, you seem like an okay guy. I'm going to take your name off the quote. That was some silly shit though...Just hope I come across some sillier shit soon, it doesn't usually take long and I don't usually even remember what the old one was.

I'm going to check out your grow journal when I get back from lunch and I'll check out your little girls. I'm always a bit weary of blasting them with too much light, but if you're a week ahead of me and you can that light at least 4' above the plants you should be fine. I would start it as high as possible. Put a stake next to each of your seedlings and mark it with a sharpie. Mark it each day and if the little girls are getting taller than they are bushy you need to bring it down 6". You'll be able to see the stretch really early this way.

Anyway, I'll hit you up on your thread when I get back from lunch like I said and I'll remove the name from the quote then too. My girl is staring at me like I"m the biggest dickhead in the world while she patiently waits for me to get up to go to lunch.

Oh and if you have MW2 we should play.


New Member
thanx 4 the input on the tent guys even though before i seen the replies i had already purchased it cuz i kno a good thing when i see it


Well-Known Member
Seedlings sure are slow sons of bitches. I usually have so much going on that I don't pay that much attention to my plants. Maybe once, twice a day I check on them to make sure nothing has failed (lights, fans, etc.) and to look for problems/bugs.

But these seedlings have me goin' in and out of the veg area over and over to see how much they've grown. Which ain't much, I always forget how painfully slow it is in the beginning. Clones grow so much faster from the start and I always feel like the something is wrong with the seedlings. I know why newbies ALWAYS nute their seedlings now, they must figure something's gotta give and they must need something.

So to keep us updated:

Starting Week 2:

PH: 6.0
Nutrients: Only Hygrozyme, no nutrients
Watering Cycle: Once per day for 30 minutes.
Photoperiod: 24/0 (when the beans I planted later sprout I'll switch to 18/6)
Temperature: 80 degrees
Humidity: 55%

We'll chug along like this for at least another week. Being that I will now have seedlings about a week behind these 6 the beginning of their lives will all be very gentle and we may see some N deficiency in these 6 for a couple of days to a week while I let the little ones ease into their life. Nothing to worry about, once we get going on nutes it will keep it in check and I'm sure that they will all flourish.


Well-Known Member
I got my FI seeds in July and just trimmed a clone last night. Works well and is a great tasting smooth smoking addition.

I find it is a finicky plant, does not like to be over watered and real easy on the food. These are all mom's and they grow slow. 2 Phno types so far.


Well-Known Member
I am excited to watch your journal, thanks for the the open voting and sharing. I think we are all REALLY interested in seeing FI grow...with a name like that you have really big shoes to fill. Honestly it takes big balls as the breeder to name a strain FI! Can't wait to see this thing happen, thx again.


Active Member
lookin forward to FI..... been hesitant as i heard it's a bit finicky. just pulled up the recliner


Well-Known Member
lookin forward to FI..... been hesitant as i heard it's a bit finicky. just pulled up the recliner
I keep hearing that it's finicky, but I welcome it a bit. This ain't my first rodeo and I suspect we'll get through anything that might arise.

I have found that most strains that are considered "finicky" simply don't like to be overfed. If you keep the feeding lighter they tend to stay less "finicky". So I expect this will be a bit of a long journal and a long process as the plants and I get to know each other and we coax them to a hopefully smooth finish.

I've still been searching for grow journals for past FI grows and I can't seem to find much if anything. Does anyone have links to grow journals? I don't care if they are on one of the other many forums or any other sources you can find some info. I'd really rather learn from what others have gone through and what I can expect. I can usually avoid certain pitfalls that way. Hence my membership at RIU.


Active Member
you are right there are two diff fi grows on there that amount to diddly squat sorry dude


Well-Known Member
Okay....so this has ALREADY been a strange grow for me! I love it when we can get a few different things going on.

1) I ordered 10 seeds @ $140.00 and received 12. 2 were a bit on the small side and they did germinate, but didn't really take off so I chucked'em. That should give me 10 plants right? Well, I have 11. One of the seeds sprouted 2 plants. I've seen this happen to a couple of people on here over the years (pretty rare) and I'm interested in seeing what we can do with it!

Pretty crazy shit if you ask me. I don't know how long I'll let it go right now, but for now it's off an running. I'll probably grow them out seperately just to see for curiosity's sake if one could be male and one female (although doubtful.

2) The plants are already yellowing a little bit. Nothing terrible, but they aren't being fed and only on plain water. I did end up feeding them with plain tap water, but I think I'll just keep on with what I'm doing. I'm waiting for a solid third set of leaves before even putting a tiny amount of nutes in the water. I have seedlings that are now a bit behind and are in the same system. If the problem gets worse I'll have to protect them from the flood (with pots) and hand water them until they catch up.

Anyway....some pictures, please chime in with whatever you've got.



Well-Known Member
I just looked and saw that one of the leaves is *just* starting "The Twist" so I'm going to go fill up about 50 gallons worth of RO water. When that runs out I'll try them on tap again. Should last 2 reservoirs so almost all of veg hopefully.

Too much calcium in the damned water. I knew not to use tap, but until I KNOW something won't work, especially if it's easier, I have to try it.


Well-Known Member
Have you tried using spring water?

I use Western Family Spring water

I did for this grow and was pretty happy with the results

d.c. beard

Well-Known Member
Use DISTILLED water. Spring has other unwanted things in it. Distilled is pure. Distilled is also cheaper. I get mine from Wal Mart for $0.68 a gallon now that they raised the price. I think they know where all the distilled is going....