RO water PPM base


Well-Known Member
OK as stated before i have decided the barrage of 5 gallon jugs going in and out is a bit obvious so i switched out to RO in an area that is 800 PPM:spew:

So Post RO with one of those 5 stage under sink filters is 500 PPM. how much should an RO filter bring that down? Is this variance normal or should i expect better results, and does the membrane mature in some way making it more effective or this is as good as it gets.

No switching back to bottled water is not an option not unless i have a secret tunnel to the water store. this was one of those "garuanteed to produce lowest TDS on the market, for hydro use blah blah blah" you know the ussual to sucker you into it.


Well-Known Member
Either your meter needs calibrated, or your R.O. system is defective. I've never seen true 0 ppm out of my R.O./D.I., but it should be less than 50ppm.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
Either your meter needs calibrated, or your R.O. system is defective. I've never seen true 0 ppm out of my R.O./D.I., but it should be less than 50ppm.
i think aeroking is right ,yeah my ro water is 38ppm so i think your meter needs calibrating.

good luk


Well-Known Member
ill double check, my meter tonight, i used a handheld that i thought was calibrated but hasnt been used in a month or so and dragged one of my constant measures down to double check. the water tastw fenominal so......


Well-Known Member
OK so i calibrated 2 out of three of my meters, the third self calibrates, checked with all 3, all three dead on within single digits of eachother, 500+ ppm. I called the manufacturer and they said with a new system, this is normal for up to 2 weeks until the membrane matures, good to know. strange though, googled because i thought they were crazy and was able to find some reading confirming, so i guess we will give it two weeks to verify.


Well-Known Member
I think the two week maturity is based on normal usage. I think you will find it working faster if you work it more.


Well-Known Member
I bought a RO200 4 stage system and my ppm is running in between 3 and 5 ppm, after new filters you let the holding tank fill up one time, then you drain and toss the water, after that everything is good, no waiting time involved.
It takes 3 1/2 to 4 hours for about 3 gallons of water.