Ro water to tap

Yeah makes sense, our runoff was from a hay field that we sprayed once in 30 years and a 1/4 section of bush. I didn't mind the ducks, frogs, we even had fish but we'd shoot the muskrats and beavers. I bet that would be great water for the plants, my folks plants grew like crazy out there.

I shot all the muskrats out of my dugout right after I bought the place. Took a couple years to get them all. This dugout is 80x50 yds and 12' deep.

I'd roll up a doob, grab a bottle of rum and go sit in a lawn chair a half hour before dusk with my trusty Ruger 10-22 carbine and wait for one to go swimming across the surface. When I got one I'd toss a stick out close to it and get the dog to swim out and bring it in. He liked to run around and play with it for a couple minutes. Then I'd take it to the house and give it the big Red Siberian Husky girl and she'd eat it in under 5 min. I took a video of her doing that with sound and all and it was pretty gross. It was on a hard drive that died along with our home sex videos so all gone dammit!

Nothing much here for target practise other than crows or magpies so I don't do much shooting any more. If this Covid gets bad I'll pull out the .303 and drop the next moose that wanders thru tho. :)

I shot all the muskrats out of my dugout right after I bought the place. Took a couple years to get them all. This dugout is 80x50 yds and 12' deep.

I'd roll up a doob, grab a bottle of rum and go sit in a lawn chair a half hour before dusk with my trusty Ruger 10-22 carbine and wait for one to go swimming across the surface. When I got one I'd toss a stick out close to it and get the dog to swim out and bring it in. He liked to run around and play with it for a couple minutes. Then I'd take it to the house and give it the big Red Siberian Husky girl and she'd eat it in under 5 min. I took a video of her doing that with sound and all and it was pretty gross. It was on a hard drive that died along with our home sex videos so all gone dammit!

Nothing much here for target practise other than crows or magpies so I don't do much shooting any more. If this Covid gets bad I'll pull out the .303 and drop the next moose that wanders thru tho. :)


Yeah about once a year they'd set up shop, miss those days. Muskrats have such a squishy body, it would probably make me wince a little seeing your pooch down the hatch one of them.

I'm jealous, I love moose meat, I bet where your at its polluted with them. I dropped a few of them about 500 yards from the old house. Moose that eats alfalfa is some serious eats!

Too bad about the "hard drive", that makes for a good title for one of them sex videos of yours. If they were still around you think it would go viral? Or would you get a viral? Lol
Yeah about once a year they'd set up shop, miss those days. Muskrats have such a squishy body, it would probably make me wince a little seeing your pooch down the hatch one of them.

I'm jealous, I love moose meat, I bet where your at its polluted with them. I dropped a few of them about 500 yards from the old house. Moose that eats alfalfa is some serious eats!

Too bad about the "hard drive", that makes for a good title for one of them sex videos of yours. If they were still around you think it would go viral? Or would you get a viral? Lol

Our neighbours have been living here since their people settled here about 1910 and about 5 families get together and go hunting every fall. George has a fenced quarter section just 2 miles up off the highway where they run a half dozen or so steers all the time to fatten up on grass. They've often given us game and beef to make room in their freezers. It's last season's stuff but was properly butchered and wrapped so it's really good. Really good folk and when we bought this place I bought the contents wood shop and all. Had all this wood like black walnut, oak etc that we would never use so I gave it to him. Had to bring his 16' flatdeck fifth wheel trailer over to get it. We loaded it all up and he says there's at least 4 grand worth there do you want some cash for this. I just no but I wouldn't mind getting plowed out when we get snowed in and he's done it since. Big Versitile articulated tractor with a 12' blade makes short work of my 200' drive. lol He's just half a mile south on the other side of the hwy.

We have moose, whitetail and mule deer all over and elk along the Peace River in the valley 10 miles away. Cougar last year just across the field from us and once in a while a black or grizzly bear wanders around but they are usually more around the river. No gophers damn it! :)

Those videos were just the wife and me. Never would have seen the 'net. :)

Our neighbours have been living here since their people settled here about 1910 and about 5 families get together and go hunting every fall. George has a fenced quarter section just 2 miles up off the highway where they run a half dozen or so steers all the time to fatten up on grass. They've often given us game and beef to make room in their freezers. It's last season's stuff but was properly butchered and wrapped so it's really good. Really good folk and when we bought this place I bought the contents wood shop and all. Had all this wood like black walnut, oak etc that we would never use so I gave it to him. Had to bring his 16' flatdeck fifth wheel trailer over to get it. We loaded it all up and he says there's at least 4 grand worth there do you want some cash for this. I just no but I wouldn't mind getting plowed out when we get snowed in and he's done it since. Big Versitile articulated tractor with a 12' blade makes short work of my 200' drive. lol He's just half a mile south on the other side of the hwy.

We have moose, whitetail and mule deer all over and elk along the Peace River in the valley 10 miles away. Cougar last year just across the field from us and once in a while a black or grizzly bear wanders around but they are usually more around the river. No gophers damn it! :)

Those videos were just the wife and me. Never would have seen the 'net. :)


The drifts up in that country can be monumental, remember one March the graders couldn't plow the drifts which isn't that unusual but the dually tractors couldn't do it either so in came the big iron, a D9 that made a wall of snow 9 to 10 feet high on the gravel road to the farm.

You live in the midst of good people, have each other's backs with a pay it forward mentality.

There is the same game on the farm except now whitetail have moved in. One fall I counted 53 mule deer on one quarter, a few years later a real bad winter wiped them out and the coyotes got nice and fat, you know the deep snowpack that freezes so they can run on top while the deer falls thru. It's not been even close to those numbers since. Oilfield moved in and really changed how the elk move around.

When the old boy was breaking a piece of land he found an old spear head the size of an old flip phone. Also found a rock with a circular recess chiseled in it to attach a shaft to it, this thing weighs about 10 lbs, the only thing we can think it was used for is smashing up bones to get the marrow....don't know.
The drifts up in that country can be monumental, remember one March the graders couldn't plow the drifts which isn't that unusual but the dually tractors couldn't do it either so in came the big iron, a D9 that made a wall of snow 9 to 10 feet high on the gravel road to the farm.

You live in the midst of good people, have each other's backs with a pay it forward mentality.

There is the same game on the farm except now whitetail have moved in. One fall I counted 53 mule deer on one quarter, a few years later a real bad winter wiped them out and the coyotes got nice and fat, you know the deep snowpack that freezes so they can run on top while the deer falls thru. It's not been even close to those numbers since. Oilfield moved in and really changed how the elk move around.

When the old boy was breaking a piece of land he found an old spear head the size of an old flip phone. Also found a rock with a circular recess chiseled in it to attach a shaft to it, this thing weighs about 10 lbs, the only thing we can think it was used for is smashing up bones to get the marrow....don't know.

Getting less snow almost every year. 5' drifts in the woods yet and waist deep in the back yard. +2 today so spring is on the way . . .in a month. lol

That's most likely a war hammer. For smashing up bones alright. :) Pretty cool finding stuff like that.

I was playing around with a metal detector here. There was a house here in the early 1900s until around 1970 when it burned down. All sorts of engine parts, gears etc in the woods. I found a large horseshoe that must of been for a Clydesdale or something and was obviously made by a blacksmith. Hanging points up above my front door since. Their old garbage pit is all grown over with windfalls on top but I'm going to get around to doing a little prospecting in there for old bottles and stuff. Who knows. an old Nazi Luger brought home from the war covered in grease and wrapped in oilskin could still be in good shape. :)

They did a lot of seismic work here just before we moved up. A friend said they even went down main street in town with those seismic trucks that have big jack to lift the truck up and then use the weight of the truck to pound on the growund to make the waves as they can't drill and blast there. I ran water truck on lots of seismic jobs. Had to fill in when a helper got sick once. Walking around with your pockets full of GeoGel and blasting caps is a little spooky at first. :) Theres a half dozen pump jacks in sight off to the southwest of us. Nothing but sky to the west so that's nice for the sunsets.

Thats enough to make me want to move back. We had an a-frame cedar house with big bay windows to the east. You could always tell when a chinook was about to roll in because a few hours before I would see the banks of the peace river up in the sky flipped upside down and at night Fairview would be flipped upside down on the horizon, we got some pretty cool mirages there. Good way to forecast. Ive only ever encountered mirages in two other locations in Alberta.

Your in a good spot there, I'd trade you places. The only thing is the summers are so cool, I actually like the winters up there better than here.
You'd love it here. I'll even throw in 3 good mousers and a dog that goes frantic if a bird lands on a tree in his sight. lol

I would love to move back to the Fraser Valley or over to the Island but it's so f'n expensive I'd never be able to buy again. No mirages here just stone cold reality and reality bites. Fishing sux. Nothing but gators.

I hope tobacco is considered essential 'cause I'm almost out and going to town for that and lotto tickets and to hell with Covis Cops! :)

Good grief now I understand your beef with it up there, coming from where you came from and the complete opposite in terms of weather, fishing etc. I was too ignorant to know any better growing up there but when your dealt lemons you make lemonade, that's why I got into atv's and hunting cause there's fuck all else to do up there.
I've drank so much lemonade up here I'm sick of it.

I was kinda planning to sell the farm, give the wife half and head out on my own then she got the tumour diagnosis and what kind of a-hole would I have to be to walk away now eh. Then along comes Covis and I can't even reactivate my account at Ashley Madison. :D

At least back in the Valley there was lots to do beside fishing but that was my first go-to from Oct. when the Coho start running til April when the last of the Steelhead kelts had left the Chilliwack R. River opened July first for trout which were actually juvenile Steelies that didn't go to the ocean so the limit was 8 so they could get them out of the river before they ate up all the food and left nothing for the resident fish. Big hatchery way up top on that river.

When I went out last year late Nov. I bought a new noodle rod and reel, few bits of tackle as I brought my fishing vest with a bunch of stuff in it for the flight and tried to get some late coho but no luck. Did get a nice 2lb Dolly Varden which is a cousin of the bull trout here in AB.

Caught it right here in a deep hole on the upper river I've fished since I was a teen. I had left my camera in the car the day I caught the Dollie tho. Was a pretty fish too. Doesn't look it but it's a 15' deep hole with a back eddy and the fish lay on the bottom facing the far bank so you want to get deep fast and bottom bounce a spin-n-glow for the big salmon and steelies when they're in. Caught the dollie on a #3 Mepps Black Fury tho.

MyHoleOnTheUpperChilliwackSmall01 .jpg

Water coming in to the hole.


Looking upriver. Too bad it was so cloudy as there's a tall mountain sticking right up the middle on a clear day. The day I caught the dollie there was 3 dudes fishing there when I showed up and we all smoked a little pot while sharing the hole. They hadn't caught a thing in two days.


Now I'm all bummed I'm sitting here in Bumfuck Alberta trapped by Covis. :(

Oh well. Got lots of pot! :)

It was #1 sons b-day while I was tehre so I gave him the new rod and reel for a present. Nice rod too and I lost my old fave one last time I went fishing here a couple months before going out there. Mom gave me her 2008 Saturn Vue with 111,000km on it for my b-day that was in Oct. so I drove that home. Almost perfect shape and had lived in a garage it's whole life. Now all covered in muck off the roads here and no use washing it until after spring breakup. You know what that's like here. ;)



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I grow in a RDWC with dechlorinated Tap water and have no issues at all. My starting PPM is 115. Here is a pic of one of my younger plants. I run FloraTrio and CalMag with the CalMag at 1/4 dose in early stages and 1/2 dose in later stages since its tap water. I also add some Beneficial Bacteria Tea to keep the bad stuff out. I dechlorinate the water with dual GAC filters I got from lowes for like $10 each and change them every 6 months. Most of the dissolved minerals in Tap water have to big of molecules for the plant to process anyways and most hydro nutrients brands are chelated meaning they wont bind to stuff in your tap water. The beneficial bacteria help break down those larger molecules which the plant can then process. Hence the reduced CalMag additions. You can grow just fine in tap water as long as its decent tap water, dont let anyone fool you.


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You can grow just fine in tap water as long as its decent tap water, dont let anyone fool you.

Sure you can if you have decent tap water but most don't. Ours is pH8+ and around 400ppm out of our dugout and town water isn't any better tho filtered and sterilized with chlorine so it's barely potable.

As long as you're doing regular nute changes then it doesn't become a problem either but I prefer not changing nutes and saving them for more plants so pure water is a needed asset towards that goal.

A good rule of thumb when using tap water over 200ppm is to keep track of how much water is added back to the system so once you've added back as much as the system holds it's time for fresh nutes. For most that means you can get all the way thru veg and even the stretch without really needing to change nutes.

To each their own. I'm certainly not trying to convert anyone. Just passing on what I've learned to do over the last 20 years of doing DWC to get good results.

Sure you can if you have decent tap water but most don't. Ours is pH8+ and around 400ppm out of our dugout and town water isn't any better tho filtered and sterilized with chlorine so it's barely potable.

As long as you're doing regular nute changes then it doesn't become a problem either but I prefer not changing nutes and saving them for more plants so pure water is a needed asset towards that goal.

A good rule of thumb when using tap water over 200ppm is to keep track of how much water is added back to the system so once you've added back as much as the system holds it's time for fresh nutes. For most that means you can get all the way thru veg and even the stretch without really needing to change nutes.

To each their own. I'm certainly not trying to convert anyone. Just passing on what I've learned to do over the last 20 years of doing DWC to get good results.


Ya no worries, just sharing my perspective as well, thats why I said if you have decent Tap. My starting ppm is about 115 and pH is about 7.5 and it doesnt take much pH Down to get it to 6.0-6.5 where it holds stable until next change. I change the water every 10 days or so. I buy the FloraTrio and CalMag in the gallon jugs. Those gallon jugs last so long you could change your water every day and it would still last you half a year.

110ppm tap here.. i actually stopped changing water and just top up (DWC) and check ph.. no issues luckily..
Ya no worries, just sharing my perspective as well, thats why I said if you have decent Tap. My starting ppm is about 115 and pH is about 7.5 and it doesnt take much pH Down to get it to 6.0-6.5 where it holds stable until next change. I change the water every 10 days or so. I buy the FloraTrio and CalMag in the gallon jugs. Those gallon jugs last so long you could change your water every day and it would still last you half a year.


I get the gallon jugs of AN 3-part and a 500g can of Big Bud Powder and that lasts me 5 years at least. I have 2Kg of MegaCrop nutes I won here over a year ago now along with a kg each of their Carbo, PK booster at 0-52-34 and pure K at 0-0-62. Also now a 7 - 250ml bottle pack of REMO nutes I won last Nov in a draw at a hydro shop in Grande Prairie.

Buddy gave me a bunch of rooted Monkey Banana Kush clones that he was going to toss out as they were getting root rot in his bubble cloner. I brought them home and tossed them in the fridge for a couple days then potted 10 and got 7 survivors. Thinking I might use 3 that are equal in size in 4gal pots and feed each one with it's own different nutes to see how that works out. All 3 in ProMix HP with a little crab/lobster shell stuff and a couple of other things but it'll all be the same in each. Just picked up a 10x12' tarp in town today to blend my medium on. Have 20 plants idling downstairs that need to be potted. A bunch of 2' cuttings that have been in 3" pots for a full year. Talk about procrastinating! lol

That's a fem auto hi-CBD runt of a plant in the bigger square pot surrounded by the Kush and the mess of old cuttings up front.


Nice oldmed, i want to try megacrop, but i have 25lb of jacks that's going to take me years to get through first..

I tried Jacks almost 20 years ago. Works but lacks a lot of the stuff that's in MegaCrop. All the aminos that Big Bud uses silica, B vitamins, kelp extract and chitosan. I've only used it a bit and it seems pretty good for aone shot nute. I have ver. 2.0 and there's a 3rd version and a 2-part out now along with a few other supplements. They always seem to be out of the smaller portions and even those aren't very small. Way more than most hobby growers want to invest in all at once tho cheap by the pound.

It depends a lot on what you're growing in too. If it's basically inert like coco or peat then you need to supply all the micronutrients etc but in real soil mixes there's a lot of that already there so deficiencies aren't so likely.
