Rocbudinc is open right now!!

They gotta either evolve or die and a lot of thse guys are choosing to die on that hill they currently stand on despite it obviously being below rising water levels. Whomever can basically round up as many breeders at the best price and start slamming fire will be it. Whomever is first to it usually wins in my experience.
If I had to pick now, I’d say seedsherenow seems to be killing it. They have Mephisto & other top auto/photo breeders. Hopefully they start carrying some Rocbudinc soon. :weed:
If I had to pick now, I’d say seedsherenow seems to be killing it. They have Mephisto & other top auto/photo breeders. Hopefully they start carrying some Rocbudinc soon. :weed:
Not gonna lie, was a little sketched initially about seedsherenow but BOY did they show up with the meph and I got 3 packs of freebies 20 seeds total FREE I was a very happy man. I'd love to see local shops for genetics pop up. Plenty of clone ware houses but I want a physical seed bank you know? Just like a dispo but fo just genetics
It's not me. Or you for that matter.... it's the site.... can't keep up with the rabid demand. That and apparently neither can roc lmaooo


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Does this RocBudInc guy have issues creating seeds?
Doubt it's that at all! It just super limited releases and the website just is coming off as buggy still. In sure by the actual drop in a month or so it will be fixed. Been like this since he got the new site up. Super frustrating when you've been saving for it just to watch the internet screw you