rock wool


hey guys it is my first time using rock wool. i have soaked my afghan kush seed in water until it cracked then i wrapped it in a coffee filter placed it on a plate and wrapped it with saran. i can see that the little root is popping out but should i leave it in the filter a little longer or how should i go about this. im really anal cause i already had two seeds not sprout and im kinda sad about it . also when i place in rock wool should it be wet or dry ? does the amount of light matter , does it need light already ? if not when is it a good idea to flick my lights on ? thanks so much in advance my good fellas


Well-Known Member sure coffee filters will work..paper towels hold more water if thats what youre trying to soon as the taproot peeks through the shell i plant it..soak your rockwool in ph adjusted water..doesnt need light until it pops out of the soil..once it breaks ground turn your lights on..good luck.


Well-Known Member
Wait, wait, wait a minute. After the coffee filter and noticing the root was out, did you turn 3 times in a circle chanting "Shamabalala, Shamabalala" and then burn 4 sticks of incense each aimed at one of the cardinal points? If not . . . ..

And the best light timing for new seeds in rockwool is on 20 minutes , off for 40 minutes every hour for the first week. Spray Febreze in the air before doing so.


when it does sprout how do i keep the rock wool from receiving light if the plant is so small i dont want algae


Well-Known Member
wow thats the most uncool thing ive heard since ive subscribed
Hell thats nothin, wait till late saturday night when they're all drunk lol. I never tried rockwool but git some potting soil with no nutes some perlite and some vermiculite.
mix it 50% soil 25% each the others. put it in a 4 1/2" pot, wet it down, get your seed put it bout 1/2" down cover lightly. Oh yea get a 2 liter bottle a pop, chug it down and then cut it in half or thereabouts. fix it up like the picture and wait a few days. oh yea make sure it's in a warm place. good luck