Rockwool for Veg

Wondering Star

Active Member
Hi everyone,

I want to vegg in 4" rockwool, what happens when the roots stick out of the bottom of the rockwool? Do they just sit on the plastic I have the rockwool on, wouldnt that harm them?

I do not want to stack cubes, or use any other medium. Just the 4" rockwool.

I will move them into an NFT tray after a 30 day veg.

Is this possible? Or would I be better of using a 6" cube? 6" is more space, and i dont have much of that.

As always cheers a lot
i dont think that is enought you will need pots because the roots will poke out and i read that light hurts the roots


Well-Known Member
if your roots start to come out of the rockwool they will get air pruned .

i have a 19inch tall clone in a 3x3 cube. the only ballache is i have to water it daily. i have vegged and flowered using this 3x3 grodan cube to see if it can be done AND IT CAN.
