Rockwool grow problem


Hey guys, so I think my seed grew the wrong way, its been taking them a while to get above the soil then some of the seeds, but this one on the far left had its leaves exposed but it was under the rockwool. I took the plant and took it above the rockwool so it could get some light on the leaves. Any suggestions guys? I dont wanna screw this up. Im also concerned about the sprout on the right.

And thank you very much for the help guys here is a picture



Is it normal to have a leaf that large? I mean I pulled him out a little bit and tucked his roots, he is a bit more green now. Im also concerned about the guy on the right, his leafs are starting to droop.


Awesome thanks man! With the leafs drooping is it just due to lack of water? Im really new to this so Im kinda lost.

Blue brother

Well-Known Member
Don't worry about those drooping leaves mate it's pretty common, you don't wanna be wstering them at all. I only ever pre soak the cube and don't water again until the cubes gone light. Put them in a propogatoor with the vent open under a close light and forget about them for a day or two. If your new then this will not be possible but trust me just let em do their thing. Don't kill them with your curiosity. Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Delicate care needed here. You want the proto-leaves to be moist but you don't want the leaves laying on wet dirt. I use toothpicks to elevate seedling caps to keep them from laying on the soil.

Good luck, BigSteve.