Rockwool PH 8!


Active Member
I got some rockwool cubes I was told were ph-neutral. Just earlier today I started propagating seeds in them. It struck me I also could investigate their ph-value with the water I used to soak them in... and heck, it was way up in 8. I immediately rinced them with water ph'd to 6 (with vinegar). Later today I intend to redo the test and see if the situation improves.
Just so you know. Even though the store says rockwool is ph-neutral, it isn't always true.


Did you use distilled water to soak them in?

Neutral doesn't necessarily mean perfectly at seven too. It could be a range of say six to eight.


Well-Known Member
Rock wool needs to be kept in the range 5.2-6.2 optimum being 5.5.

Pre soaking for 24hours in pH 5.5 is usually the best way.

As the rockwool dries its pH value increases drastically!

Keep it moist.



Active Member
It seems to be stable at slightly below 5.5. It'll go up a little over time, so no panic right now.
Until now I've first drowned seeds in water before planting them directly into soil, but I intend to go hydro from now on. That's why I picked rockwool this time.
Beyond that everything noted. I'll make sure not to let the rockwool dry.