Rockwool pH'ing


Well-Known Member
After you let the rockwool sit for 24 hours in pH'ed water does the water become useless or do you have to pH it again or what?


Uses the Rollitup profile
The 24 hour presoak has become outdated, at least for Grodan. They now instruct to soak in pH 5.5 weak nutes for 30 minutes, and then flush with fresh nutes and go.

I still let them soak overnight tho, I just think it softens them up better.

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
I don't worry about it at all. I just soak the RockWool cubes in RO water as I'm ready to take the cuts. The cuts get dipped into rooting powder, then get stuck immediately into the RW cubes. Success rate? .... almost 100% every time.

I think there are a lot of myths in growing pot ... like always cut your cuttings under water and always cut them above the nodes and at an angle. Marijuana is a weed and a strong survivor. It doesn't want to die ... but we keep killing it with kindness. *lol*



Uses the Rollitup profile
Yeah, the air bubble when cutting thing doesn't apply to pot. But I do take cuttings just below a node, because I want that node to be sprouting roots, as well as the angle cut.

One myth that just won't die is the one about cutting off the leaves so the buds get more light. I'd say it must make sense so people buy it, I don't know why else it would keep coming up. :blsmoke:


New Member
*lol* ... I always cut above the node. Don't know why ... I just do. I DO cut the leaves in half on my cuttings though. It seems to aid the new growth. Probably another myth.



Well-Known Member
One more question. I cant seem to be able to find a moister meter yet so incase i cant how much do you water (volume) them and how often.


Uses the Rollitup profile
I guess that you're asking how much to water rockwool.

I guess that you're asking how much to water rockwool. :blsmoke:

You soak it, completely, until water is running out the bottom. That's the beauty of rockwool, when it's completely soaked it still retains a lot of air.


HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
Not to worry about the RockWool ... just don't let it dry out ... and NEVER squeeze the water out of the RockWool cube thinking that you're doing a good thing. Squeezing the RW damages the fiber make-up of the cube and it won't hold enough air. That will cause your cuttings to rot.
