Roger Waters victim of Cancel culture???

So I take it you're not a fan. I could really care less about what musicians views are of anything. All I care about is their music. To each their own.
once i find out that a musician isn't who they represent themselves to be, i hear their music differently...hypocrisy and righteous indignation sound different...bitching about your neighbor mowing his grass too early isn't Rage Against the Machine.

And i used to be a huge misfits fan...till, you know ^
”The 1948 mass killings” is not a thing. What is a thing is Israel‘s declaration of independence, taking matters into own hands because the Brits screwed them over and weren’t going to keep their promise, like they did do for the arabs in Jordan. Nobody every suggests Jordan is illegitimate. Instead, the Brits decided the Jews would not got their own nation and would have to live as a majority in an arab state. After breaking the promise to Arabe that helped them defeat the Turks who’d trust them anyway. F that of course, that would be the end of the jews sooner than later, don’t need Britain’s permission to legitimize anything. Britain who deported Jews from Israel back to Europe and refused to increase the by them allowed number of jewish immigrants (not occupiers/colonists, immigrants) while they already new what Germans did with them.

So they declared independence and ended up kicking out the brits. Same day Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and jihad groups attacked the Jews, including civilians. Similar thing happened a year earlier when the UN came up with a partition map.

After that Jordan rules west bank, Egypt Gaza. That’s why it’s still shitholes, because Israel did not take those areas.

1967, 3rd Arab-Israeli war. Islam and its hunger for holy wars and dead jews make another attempt to keep the jew down. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Jihadis vs Israel. 6 days later 1000 death jews, 20000 death enemies and Israel got a lot bigger. If Ukraine would have done a preemptive strike on Russia’s troops when US warned they were about to attack I would have cheered them on as well.

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Moral of the story is don’t try to wipe out the Jews, they won’t accept the subhuman role again, they’ll take your land as a precaution and have zero moral obligation to give it back to terroris organizations who want to use the area to attack Israel some more. Instead, they turn it into a civilized western liberal democracy where arabs were treated better than in arab nations. Yes, wobbly with Netanyahu but no doubt they will survive him too.
their entire "nation" is built on a book of lies...they have no legitimacy as a state, and never will while taking other people's property by force. They exist, they aren't going anywhere, but they are murderers, and thieves, in the same class as the russians. They just keep playing the sympathy card anytime anyone says anything about their horrific behavior.
their entire "nation" is built on a book of lies...they have no legitimacy as a state, and never will while taking other people's property by force. They exist, they aren't going anywhere, but they are murderers, and thieves, in the same class as the russians. They just keep playing the sympathy card anytime anyone says anything about their horrific behavior.
This is an unusually uncharitable opinion from you, Roger. Israel has a right to exist, to defend and develop itself. The holy land is the logical place for it imo.
This is an unusually uncharitable opinion from you, Roger. Israel has a right to exist, to defend and develop itself. The holy land is the logical place for it imo.
They stole a country from it's inhabitants, and then treated them like shit. Why would i be charitable to them?
They turned pity into power, and used it to oppress the people that had lived in the land they took from them.
If i had lived at the time, i would have been just as against it as i am against russia's invasion of Ukraine.
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Israel has a right to exist, to defend and develop itself. The holy land is the logical place for it imo.
You might ask the Palestinians who had lived there for centuries how they felt about being annexed by the rest of the world, so it could assuage it's guilt...I notice America didn't offer them any land, not Australia, or russia, or Britain, germany, long as they wanted to go play in the sand box, we didn't care who they displaced.
The holy land is only holy to some people, and that is their personal belief...The "Israelis" laid claim to a piece of already owned property, using divine right as a grounds for theft. They used their misfortunes to legitimize theft on a grand scale, and then to justify brutal suppression of the previous inhabitants.
They stole a country from [its] inhabitants, and then treated them like shit. Why would i be charitable to them?
They turned pity into power, and used it to do oppress the people that had lived in the land they took from them.
If i had lived at the time, i would have been just as against it as i am against russia's invasion of Ukraine.
While I don’t think the bolded is correct, the larger issue imo is that the situation is not nearly that simple. There is no solution I can imagine that would satisfy all parties involved.
While I don’t think the bolded is correct, the larger issue imo is that the situation is not nearly that simple. There is no solution I can imagine that would satisfy all parties involved.
Why do all parties have to be satisfied?
Did the Palestinians invite the "Israelis" to share their home?
Then how is this different than russians annexing parts of Ukraine 15 years ago and moving in like it had always been theirs?
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While I don’t think the bolded is correct, the larger issue imo is that the situation is not nearly that simple. There is no solution I can imagine that would satisfy all parties involved.
They are occupiers of another's land just like Russia is in Ukraine. If you want Russia to leave Ukraine surely you would want the Israelis out of Palestine?
Are both issues simple? No, but often complicated issues use compromise a carrot and a big stick. Israel needs America funding and international support for its far right wing gov to flourish.

Id also like to quickly point out that its page12 of this thread and not one Antisemitic or fascist quote has been posted that's from Waters. Which makes the thread title very true.

"In January, Israels most right-wing government in history unveiled plans to make it easier for lawmakers to influence and even overrule Supreme Court decisions. The country has since been mired in a democratic crisis—one that has cost it the support of the majority of Israelis, parts of the Israeli military, and, increasingly, the wider Jewish diaspora, with which Israel claims a close relationship. Pro-Israel organizations and advocates in the U.S., Britain, and elsewhere have come out against the judicial overhaul. Meanwhile, scores of Israel supporters are taking to the streets in cities around the world to express their solidarity with the pro-democracy movement in the country—which have spurred some of the biggest protests Israel has ever seen—and to voice their own dissatisfaction with the country’s illiberal turn."

"the minister called for a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank to be “erased
They are occupiers of another's land just like Russia is in Ukraine. If you want Russia to leave Ukraine surely you would want the Israelis out of Palestine?
Are both issues simple? No, but often complicated issues use compromise and a big stick. Israel needs America funding and international support for its far right wing gov to flourish.

Id also like to quickly point out that its page12 of this thread and not one Antisemitic or fascist quote has been posted that's from Waters. Which makes the thread title very true.

"In January, Israel’s most right-wing government in history unveiled plans to make it easier for lawmakers to influence and even overrule Supreme Court decisions. The country has since been mired in a democratic crisis—one that has cost it the support of the majority of Israelis, parts of the Israeli military, and, increasingly, the wider Jewish diaspora, with which Israel claims a close relationship. Pro-Israel organizations and advocates in the U.S., Britain, and elsewhere have come out against the judicial overhaul. Meanwhile, scores of Israel supporters are taking to the streets in cities around the world to express their solidarity with the pro-democracy movement in the country—which have spurred some of the biggest protests Israel has ever seen—and to voice their own dissatisfaction with the country’s illiberal turn."

"the minister called for a Palestinian town in the occupied West Bank to be “erased”

To the underlined: I have more than once posted in this thread about his plainly fascist remarks about Ukraine. Insisting on a quote is an illegitimate way for you to try to pretend the argument has not been made. Since you insist on a quote, it’s in here; I trust you to be able to find it.

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From your link:
-The former Pink Floyd bassist told the Security Council that the invasion of Ukraine was illegal and he condemned it “in the strongest possible terms."

"The only sensible course of action today is to call for an immediate cease fire in Ukraine," Waters added.

Still nothing fascist or antisemtic...
since you apparently need a hint, “provocateurs”
From your link:
-The former Pink Floyd bassist told the Security Council that the invasion of Ukraine was illegal and he condemned it “in the strongest possible terms."

"The only sensible course of action today is to call for an immediate cease fire in Ukraine," Waters added.

Still nothing fascist or antisemtic.
one person could make it all stop.....