rogue plant


Active Member
Sorry should have been clearer>> If you don't move it your leaving yourself open for people to take your bud ! I hate to say it but your more likely to have it taken than anything. It really makes you nuts after you take care of them and your mouth is watering. In this rain I cover my smaller ones that I can so they don't get waered to death and if your girl is flowering it keeps the mold away by keeping the colas dry.
I know all this rain is making me crazy!


Well-Known Member
oh I really couldn't tell you how old it is really cause like i stated before i have no clue when it actually came outta the ground. but here are the 3 pictures. lemme know what ya think.

the last picture is zoomed in 3 times on my cell phone. just so no one gets the wrong impression lol.
looks like a sexxy lady, lol:hump:


Active Member
yes you can do that,ive done it many times.Just cover it up,late arvo to cut off a couple hours light,then take cover off first thing in morn.that easy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah man! Get on that! :p And check out my girlies if you want. They're not quite as big, since they're grown in a forest (dumb fuckin idea if you ask me. not enough light) and canada's been pretty rainy and dark this summer. Lookin good bro, lets see some new shots!


Well-Known Member
We need pics. Think of it as being like you're calling your supplier for 2 weeks and he aint pickin up the phone. Thats how we all feel right now. We're about to go walking through the ghetto to find pics, and end up with some brown ass pictures sprayed down with windex. OMG PICS GO!


Well-Known Member
Well he either.......

1) Got busted

2) Is hiding because he thinks we'll hit him up to smoke us out



Well-Known Member
Looks to me like he got tired of people telling him to transplant. He seemed pretty sensitive about it....LOL. Douche. This thread was kind of boring anyway.


Well-Known Member
well excuse me if i got a job. i had to get rid of her in august due to grandma finding it. i do have another going at the moment indoors now. it broke ground 5 days ago and it's looking good. i'll try to get pictures soon. as for the douche comments my fault on having a life outside bud.


Well-Known Member
ahahah ive heard of that happing b4 if you wanna grwo it in ur house ur gann have
to dig that bitch up soon lol
or just set up light outside >_<