RoLLiN 4 The First Time


Well-Known Member
I searched This Site and I Couldnt Find Anything About X... Im tryin the shit 2Night. Anybody got any experiences, Good or Bad? I'll Post up Mine Probably tomorrow Morning.:bigjoint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
its fuckin bangin it kinda makes you feel like your trippin(shrroms) but a lil different its not as sexual as many people would lead you to believe though it can be if you get into that situation. when i would do it me and my boys would just drive around talking for hours smokin blunts its so euphoric it cant be beat. this and shrooms are my hands down favorite stimulant aside from the herb


Active Member
i just did it today like literally just came off about 10 minutes ago and from what i had (red dolphins) it was the best day of my life i had so many like life changing thoughts and i was just so friendly to everyone it was great
it was also my first time and i honestly would rate this as my favourite thing of all time above everything
just make sure ur like in a good mood before you do it and you're good
and most importantly have shit to chew on atleast like a bit of gum trust me youre teeth will grind like fuckin maddddddddd the entire time right until you sober up


Well-Known Member
now go do it at a rave, itll make your first roll look like garbage


Oracle of Hallucinogens
it's fun assuming you really get mdma.. half the shit out there is fake man.


Well-Known Member
i just did it today like literally just came off about 10 minutes ago and from what i had (red dolphins) it was the best day of my life i had so many like life changing thoughts and i was just so friendly to everyone it was great
it was also my first time and i honestly would rate this as my favourite thing of all time above everything
just make sure ur like in a good mood before you do it and you're good
and most importantly have shit to chew on atleast like a bit of gum trust me youre teeth will grind like fuckin maddddddddd the entire time right until you sober up
I did it the night I posted this thread, and I agree with this guy. This drug is life changing, I think everyone should try it atleast once. The ones I took were Glocks and they were off the Hook, Pure MDMA! I took them three nights in a row. All three nights were BANGIN. Light Shows... The Love... Ganja... Menthols... Vicks Vapor... If you do it you REALLY have to do it right, none of that Bullshit sitting around with lights on. Ex will have you living like a Vampire. Its Def. my Drug of Choice.


New Member
I did it the night I posted this thread, and I agree with this guy. This drug is life changing, I think everyone should try it atleast once. The ones I took were Glocks and they were off the Hook, Pure MDMA! I took them three nights in a row. All three nights were BANGIN. Light Shows... The Love... Ganja... Menthols... Vicks Vapor... If you do it you REALLY have to do it right, none of that Bullshit sitting around with lights on. Ex will have you living like a Vampire. Its Def. my Drug of Choice.
you have the potential of becoming an e-tard trust X isnt that good if u keep doin it over and over again


Well-Known Member
its a waste of time man, i would suggest not doing it.
it'll damage your CNS and wear out the things in your brain that make you feel happy. plus its usually cut with meth and a bunch of other shit you probly wouldn't wanna be eating.
i dont mean to sound preachy but i just think you'd be much better off with some weed and a half chip of some good yays if you wanna get all fucked up, or shrooms/acid if you want that trippy feeling. e's retarded.


Well-Known Member
ahh the first time is always the best. x is fun the first couple hundred time you do it... then it gets a little boring. now i only do that shit on special occasions.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
its a waste of time man, i would suggest not doing it.
it'll damage your CNS and wear out the things in your brain that make you feel happy.
I can not stand when someone comes out and says something bad about a drug before looking into the terminology for it or maybe even why that particular reaction happens...

Yeah, Ecstasy has the potention to give people inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system.. but is that directly related to ecstasy? Well, possible, but personally I don't think so. As a lot of you guys know, ecstasy is a chemical known as MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), which makes it an amphetamine (and further more, a phenethylamine). Well the thing is, other amphetamines have been known to cause damage to the CNS (so I don't think that Ecstasy should be any more dangerous than Amphetamine, and definitely not as dangerous as methamphetamine).

As to damaging your brain and making you not produce serotonin (what makes us all feel happy), that has its ups and downs. Occasional use, which this guy stated in the title "RoLLiN 4 The First Time", won't hurt your brain and cause you to have issues with serotonin production (unless you mixed it with something you shouldn't have eg. MAOI's, SSRI's, etc.) or unless you have a predisposition to depression.

In other words.. using the shit infrequently, and not in extremely high amounts should be rather safe... unless you happen to be 1/50,000 people who has a horribly wrong reaction to the substance and die (but when you think about it, I bet the same 1/50,000 die from using methamphetamine or amphetamine).


Active Member
dude that shits garbage.

i mean dont get me wrong i rolled plenty of times and had a great time while i was on it....but its not worth feeling shitty after like as if u drained all your happyness.

i mean your gonna want to keep trying more and more. but you wont ever reach that "one" peak experience you have for the first time. all those beans costs tons of money and tons of brain cells.

i spent close to $6000 on skittles one summer and had nothing to show 4 it but an empty bank account and a slower thought process. decided i could of spent that on a nice ass hydrosystem and grow tons of clean organic unharmful trees.

so i ditched those white lexus's and green louis vuittons and picked up gardning. wisest decition ive ever made.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
dude that shits garbage.

i mean dont get me wrong i rolled plenty of times and had a great time while i was on it....but its not worth feeling shitty after like as if u drained all your happyness.

i mean your gonna want to keep trying more and more. but you wont ever reach that "one" peak experience you have for the first time. all those beans costs tons of money and tons of brain cells.

i spent close to $6000 on skittles one summer and had nothing to show 4 it but an empty bank account and a slower thought process. decided i could of spent that on a nice ass hydrosystem and grow tons of clean organic unharmful trees.

so i ditched those white lexus's and green louis vuittons and picked up gardning. wisest decition ive ever made.
Any idiot who spends 6,000 on drugs in the duration of a summer is going to show adverse effects, no matter what it is.

It's stupid people who abuse shit and suffer from horrible side effects due to lack of self-control and the ability to pace oneself, that gives NIDA and Above the Influence ways to make new propaganda and commercials.


Well-Known Member
I can not stand when someone comes out and says something bad about a drug before looking into the terminology for it or maybe even why that particular reaction happens...
I can not stand people who think they know more than everyone else because im actually in university, in the process of becoming a pharmacist, so i know what im talking about and definitely know more about this subject than you (unless you're already a pharmacist). I was merely giving this guy my advice, thats it, I didn't come on here to get into the pharmacology of MDMA.


Well-Known Member
yeah you definitely sound like you know what you are talking about
is that not what it does? yeah it is. i put it in simpler terms so he could understand. like i said, i didnt come on here to get into pharmacology, i do that enough at school. and i really dont give a shit if you dont believe me, im the one who'll be starting at $90,000 a year within the next few years :blsmoke:. peace.


Well-Known Member
is that not what it does? yeah it is. i put it in simpler terms so he could understand. like i said, i didnt come on here to get into pharmacology, i do that enough at school. and i really dont give a shit if you dont believe me, im the one who'll be starting at $90,000 a year within the next few years :blsmoke:. peace.
Goo oonnnn