rolling a blunt


Active Member
Okay so i have been smokin' cannabis for about 2 years now i have smoked out of bongs pipes bowls joints blunts everything there is. But recently i ran into a problem. My friend usually rolls the blunt for us. On one occasion I found my self with a couple of buddies who don't smoke to often and want a solid smoking expierence. So a blunt seemed like the best way to go i could have rolled a joint (which i'm proud to say ive mastered) but it just doesn't last as long and wont get as many people high so i bought a pack of phillies and looked it up online but i cant seem 2 get it i've watched countless instructional videos on youtube, and i've read through many instructional websites but i cant seem to roll a blunt please if someone can teach me how it would be highly aprieciated.


Well-Known Member
very carefully...blunt wraps rip n tear u just have to take you time and use light fingers....kinda hard to explain how to without using i would say watch the videos on youtube and just take your time......or the best way is for someon to teach you firsthand, so if ya know someone else that can roll...


Well-Known Member
see if you can buy a blunt wrap. it's everything you want from the cigar without everything you don't want.

they're basically thick brown sheets of tobacco leaf wrapped around a tube. kinda like a fruit roll up. they're usually a lot moister than cigar blunts and easier to work with. each one is about the same price as a cigar anyway.


Well-Known Member
buy wraps. Royal Blunts preferably.

I cant roll joints for my life, but i've mastered rolling a blunt. it just took me awhile..


Well-Known Member
i wudnt recomend blunt wraps for beginiers they rip ezy and are hard to roll. so just take ur phillie and make sure u get ur saliva all over the leaf, then carefully peal off the leaf at the end of the phillie it shud just un ravel, cut the philie in a straight line, dump da guts, fill it with ur bud, roll it but it kinda seems like it gets folded not rolled but just make it so its kinda tight( to tight will make the blunt hit bad) take the leaf spread it out n start rolling the leaf around the blunt so that its even over the hole blunt then if u like dry it with lighter fast and shortly.. i found that if u dun dry it to much it burns slower..