Rollitup fantasy baseball league


Well-Known Member
we should start up a free to join rollitup fantasy baseball league using espn.
anyone interested post ........


Well-Known Member
I'm down. Haven't really gotten into fantasy sports, I always miss the draft.:D


Well-Known Member
nice well we need 10 people and then i can set it up, and give you guys the date of the live draft. peace


Well-Known Member
nice man gonna be sick. whats good for times? we still need some more peeps but we'll probably get enough people bye the weekend so we'll have to figure out a time that everyone can be on the internet for the live draft......probably night time. GO SOX


100% Authentic A$$Hole
Im still dissappointed about last years collapse of the Mets.....With the signing of Johan the Mets will be back with a vengeance:hump:


Well-Known Member
i'm down, love fantasy sports. To be honest, I suck at everything baseball, but if you need an extra guy to get it started, i'm game