Estimated Worth $141809.8 USD


Well-Known Member
I dont know about that....If i created a site this nice it would prolly become a way of life fast.almost addicting.
It is. I belonged to a website and the owner/administrator was a regular poster and contributor on the site. All he did was sit in front of the computer.
Eventually the site got to big and he had to sell. He got like 2 mil out the deal. Not bad for a 27 year old.


Well-Known Member
You make a good site you can make a ton of cash. Look at myspace. Didn't tom sell it for 600,000,000? Chances are you wont generate that type of interest, but who knows? Attract the right demo, and advertisers will be lining up to buy space. Then you sit back and watch the bank account grow.


stays relevant.
true... dude you have to be more responsible with your words... nobody provoked you... people just responded to your post. I think at the very least an apology is due, because personally in my opinion if you haven't already received an infraction, you deserve one- and should be thankful.


Well-Known Member
damn I posted this a while ago I guess idk how to make a thread right or people hate me lol.

Yea when RIU is working right you bet your ass it's worth that much if not more.


Well-Known Member
No its only worth 30'000 bucks.... on my site :D

but still very nice

i have sites worth up to 450'000 grand... rofl !!!!!!!!!!!!! u think thats true !??=!!!!?!?`=?


Active Member
bongsmilieI dont believe i could have handled a down day from riu if i actually tried loggin in and it wouldnt let me that would be my greatest fear of rejection ever. just glad i was at work.
now you know exactly how i feel when is down!


Well-Known Member
thats a funny ass quote Louis541 , lmao.

Originally Posted by Killa Man
i had this big negro clerk at a gas staion split my lip open once ...he did this dragon ball z jump and caught me off gaurd...