Me. I do not find firing someone enjoyable at all. It really sucks actually.
lol. There is a difference between saying "you should never fire any one ever for any reason" and "you shouldn't enjoy firing people if you're trying to represent millions of people who just got fired".
The problem here seems to be you're either illiterate or delusional. Please show me where anyone claimed that no one should ever have the potential to be fired. I just don't think firing people shouldn't be something my president enjoys. Understand the difference?
Apparently you can't read even the words are put into bold. He said he likes being ABLE to fire people. He never said he enjoys firing people. He was talking about the ABILITY to relieve someone of their duty if they aren't doing it adequately. Why are you so thick that you can't even see how simple of a concept this is? NEVER did he say he enjoys firing people, he said he enjoys being ABLE, ABLE, ABLE. Have I said it enough times that you'll ACTUALLY read it yet?
I enjoy being ABLE to fire anyone that I is working for me as well.. I think there's definitely someone illiterate or delusional here, but it isn't me. I am able to read and comprehend, but clearly you are either overlooking the word ABLE or ignoring out of spite.
The statement "I enjoy being able to fire people" is equal to saying in a less abbreviated manner, "I prefer that we not live within a system where you cannot fire someone/anyone for any reason".
This is the exact quote.
“I like being able to fire people who provide services to me,” Romney told a breakfast forum of the Nashua Chamber of Commerce. “You know, if someone doesn't give me the good service I need, I want to say, ‘You know, I'm going to get someone else to provide this service to me.’”
I personally find this statement hard to disagree with and I don't like Romney. I just don't see how people could disagree with it. It's moronic.