Ron Paul 2012 Guest speaker for


New Member
In case you guys missed it...and Im sure you did because of the media blackout, RON PAUL WON ANOTHER STRAW POLL YESTERDAY! and this time by a wide margin

went something like this
Ron Paul 37%
Cain 23%
Santorum 16%
everyone else below 5%

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is makes so much sense.
Yet, the media cannot get their pin heads around it.

Like when there is a manager meeting at work and if you bring up the facts like there are only 24 hours in a day and we need 25 hours to do something. Because of the laws of physics the head manager will tell you "You are being negative"

Ron Paul is sitting where the sitting President is sitting as far as popularity and still has another year of this admin screwing the pooch and 12 months more of skeletons to come out of these religious zealots closets.