Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?

The Ron Paul supporters seem to be missing the point here, and the disgruntled Ron Paul haters are also. The issue is that the state of Maine was called before all votes were cast and that many are in jeopardy of not being counted; this is undemocratic and a ridiculous blunder on the part of the GOP leadership in Maine. The fact that Mitt Romney seems to be the candidate benefiting from this is troubling and needs to be rectified....all Ron Paul love and hate aside.
Well put... Willard seems to benefit from all the blunders this time around huh.. He won New Hampshire!.... Right?
The Ron Paul supporters seem to be missing the point here, and the disgruntled Ron Paul haters are also. The issue is that the state of Maine was called before all votes were cast and that many are in jeopardy of not being counted; this is undemocratic and a ridiculous blunder on the part of the GOP leadership in Maine. The fact that Mitt Romney seems to be the candidate benefiting from this is troubling and needs to be rectified....all Ron Paul love and hate aside.

The USA is not a democracy nor was it meant to be and voters do not choose the leaders. The illusion of democracy and voting to chose leaders is to create a feeling of power and unity in the slaves so they work harder and produce more to benefit their masters.
Voting pacifies the masses for it gives them the illusion of choice when in fact there is very little. Obama will run against Romney and Obama will win. The special interests ($$$$) that pay for his decision making are the same interests ($$$$$$) that will pay for the next person in office. The same is true for most congressman, state legislators, governors and most other managerial government positions who get "elected". Clearly the system is flawed...we all remember when the people popularly elected Al Gore and administration decided that GW should win. The facade is really quite obvious now and I honestly believe people are starting to recognize the game for what it is and that is something to be happy about.
IBTM (in before the move...)

This has been covered extensively in another thread.

In 2008 in Washington county only 118 votes were tallied of which Ron Paul got a total of EIGHT... yes 8 of those votes.

Assuming he got 100 votes from the county he still would lose.

Mathematically he cannot win, just like in the general election. But you guys keep missing that.

Wrong, on all counts except 2008 numbers. Washington County was polled that it would be RP's strongest area, mathematically he can win, can you actually check your math? Considering the four candidates, obvious voter fraud took place, previous votes tallied in previous elections is not an indicator of voter turnout

Enjoy :)
Wrong, on all counts except 2008 numbers. Washington County was polled that it would be RP's strongest area, mathematically he can win, can you actually check your math? Considering the four candidates, obvious voter fraud took place, previous votes tallied in previous elections is not an indicator of voter turnout

Enjoy :)

Lets assume that 600 people showed up to caucus in an enormous turnout over 2008. Ron Paul would still have to win 30% of that vote to get the 200 votes he needs PLUS an equal number of votes to the ones Romney adds to his total.

Is it mathematically possible? Sure... Are monkeys going to fly out of my butt? They will before Ron Paul wins Maine....
Voting pacifies the masses for it gives them the illusion of choice when in fact there is very little. Obama will run against Romney and Obama will win. The special interests ($$$$) that pay for his decision making are the same interests ($$$$$$) that will pay for the next person in office. The same is true for most congressman, state legislators, governors and most other managerial government positions who get "elected". Clearly the system is flawed...we all remember when the people popularly elected Al Gore and administration decided that GW should win. The facade is really quite obvious now and I honestly believe people are starting to recognize the game for what it is and that is something to be happy about.

No W won the election fair and square, we're expected to think there was no recount in florida. I think its just a pageant the presidents are elected fair and square... BUT! as soon as they win everything changes and in fact the master puppeteers win.

Oh absofuckinglutely its a game. The corporations that donate to obama also donate to mitt romney, its just a game for them. Corporations shouldn't be able to donate. Or if they did it should be limited the same way individuals donate. I mean how unfair is that. Not everybody in the corporation supports a candidate, yet theyre supposed to be allowed to donate mega bucks? Super Pacs.. I have to say.. are absolute bullshit, these need to be outlawed after this political season. (Can't be done whilst, since everybodys jumping on, even Obama) Political campaign contributions should come from the masses not these massive corporations with the benefits of a person and without the limitations of one. I mean COME ON!
Lets assume that 600 people showed up to caucus in an enormous turnout over 2008. Ron Paul would still have to win 30% of that vote to get the 200 votes he needs PLUS an equal number of votes to the ones Romney adds to his total.

Is it mathematically possible? Sure... Are monkeys going to fly out of my butt? They will before Ron Paul wins Maine....

I wouldn't say 600.. maybe 300 tops. Looking at clear voter fraud and apparent incompitence when transferring scores from paper to electronic, the official results are disputed, for all you know he might have won already but due to "clerical" errors, lost votes, wrongly transcribed votes may have cost RP a victory. Im not sure if ron won, I'm not sure if romney won. 190 is razor thin, and to count that mitt romney won after only 89% of caucuses were counted is incredibly premature. I doubt this will dampen romneys campaign or rp campaign regardless of who wins, already too late. But a trend is starting to emerge where only romney victories are broken and dispiuted.

BTW. If you had been keeping up with the news its not just washingtong, that RP'ers are angry about its all these other little counties that rp won, yet official transcribes had the result at zero, or ron paul in third. I mean are you serious? how can you just denounce a rp victory, when evidence points that it might have been a rigged competition.
Dont forget, Obomber who has assassinated two Americans so far is just another tool of the Banking and Corporate elite. Just another Rothcunt or Cockefellor lackey.

And that is what they said in 08 about Obama and....... Look what happened!

As said before the corrupt GOP will do all they can to make sure Paul is the misfit and yes I am sure Ronald will do his fair share of sounding stupid in the eyes of the sheep! I do not agree with plenty of his policies, but he does have some firm standards he believes in and those beliefs are which this great nation was founded on and lately both the GOP and the Dems have pushed aside for some progressive or conservative BS!
Sure Paul =

Sorry Romney = :wall:
Sorry Sanitarium = :wall:
Sorry Newt =

Obama = :wall:

Honestly Obama sounds better with every click of the mouse, but I can not support the majority of the liberal left's agenda in which he supports!

Can we find some middle ground....?

Can we have a candidate that crosses party lines rather then following them just for the party line donations....?
He got robbed in Maine, they announced the victory to Romney without counting the votes in two Ron Paul strongholds. So Romney wins by a paltry 197 votes. The sad thing is in places with electtronic voting machines their is no accountability. Those can be hacked easier than my wifi. The peoples vote is a thing of the past with these machines they get whatever result they desire. Dont count on the media to be their to uncover anything as they are paid minions of the ruling elite.
can't tell if racist or trolling.
I eat fried chicken and play basketball, makes me black. If there was ever a statement of pure hate ever made, saying that a certain race stereotypically eats certain foods and has a special skill in a game sure is it.

English people eat Spotted Dick and say Aluminum in a weird way. Am I a racist or am I using stereotypes?
I eat fried chicken and play basketball, makes me black. If there was ever a statement of pure hate ever made, saying that a certain race stereotypically eats certain foods and has a special skill in a game sure is it.

English people eat Spotted Dick and say Aluminum in a weird way. Am I a racist or am I using stereotypes?

don't play dumb, you know damn well that he was reinforcing racial stereotypes.

excusing idiocy is no better than participating in it.
don't play dumb, you know damn well that he was reinforcing racial stereotypes.

excusing idiocy is no better than participating in it.
Reinforcing sterotypes makes you a racist? I thought hating another race and believing they are inferior in all ways was racism. It's not surprising how often people use that word incorrectly, makes you wonder if they even know what they are talking about.

You eat Hamburgers and drink beer. Does that make me racist too?