Well-Known Member
be a better idea if all u ron paul people would just give up already....... huge waste of time
It REALLY makes you not look smart since you just registered to post nonsense baseless shit like this.
be a better idea if all u ron paul people would just give up already....... huge waste of time
It REALLY makes you not look smart since you just registered to post nonsense baseless shit like this.
living in detroit and flint all your life does not make u sound very smart ............ and if your from flint u know dam well its not fried chicken they eat its bbq cooked in 55 gallon drums at the carwash............its sad u ron paul people have to start in on fried chicken jokes
Why are people so prejudice to tie an entire group into what one person has said?
your location says flint too.....................sorry but that makes u the dumbass...........nobody who lives in flint is smarter than me.......your just bitter cuz your poor
Why are people so prejudice to tie an entire group into what one person has said?
LOL you have a very warped view of reality and I don't think you're going to make it on these forums. Just because I am from Flint doesn't make me automatically poor...
i guess it could mean that your really stupid..... or dont want to move too far from your crack dealer
LOL you have a very warped view of reality and I don't think you're going to make it on these forums. Just because I am from Flint doesn't make me automatically poor...
Have you ever been to Flint or Detroit?
There is variation of income in all cities fucken obviously.
Well, I'm a veteran so I could have moved anywhere after I got out but I moved back home to be around family and finish my education at UofM. Right now I am writing a paper on the relativity of the Marxist Theory of Capital accumulation while my awesome legal marijuana plants are growing below me in my basement because its legal in the badass state of Michigan.
But what do I know, Im from Flint.
so u bought a house w a basement in flint? that would prove my point bout u not being too smart
Yeah you're getting trolled hard there...pity its total weak-sauce trolling tho.Yup. I bought a decent house for very cheap by UofM (which my weed plants pay for} so that I can get paid to go to school through the GI bill and get my masters in Econ and make way more money than you. If that is dumb then I guess I am a raging idiot. Are you done with your baseless personal attacks? Get Uncle Buck in here so I can have a challenging argument at least. Dude you got nothing. Just another useless troll with nothing useful to say. You probably live in your moms basement and grow CFL's. Grow the fuck up.
Yeah you're getting trolled hard there...pity its total weak-sauce trolling tho.
supporting ron paul is stupid
living in one of the most dangerous places in the world is stupid
buying a house...... basement or not in that place is stupid
thinking an education is the track to a better life in the world we live in stupid
fried chicken jokes are stupid
not listening to somebody else because what they have to say isnt how u stupid
i think u ron paul people are the trolls...............its ron paul or nuthin how fukn brain washed are u
it would be nice if uncle buck would throw up some numbers so i could get a good laugh listening to u guys talk about how your getting cheated
supporting ron paul is stupid
living in one of the most dangerous places in the world is stupid
buying a house...... basement or not in that place is stupid
thinking an education is the track to a better life in the world we live in stupid
fried chicken jokes are stupid
not listening to somebody else because what they have to say isnt how u stupid
i think u ron paul people are the trolls...............its ron paul or nuthin how fukn brain washed are u
it would be nice if uncle buck would throw up some numbers so i could get a good laugh listening to u guys talk about how your getting cheated
On a sidenote Unclebuck is definitely the most popular person on these forums.
would u translate this for me
supporting ron paul is stupid
living in one of the most dangerous places in the world is stupid
buying a house...... basement or not in that place is stupid
thinking an education is the track to a better life in the world we live in stupid
fried chicken jokes are stupid
not listening to somebody else because what they have to say isnt how u stupid
i think u ron paul people are the trolls...............its ron paul or nuthin how fukn brain washed are u
it would be nice if uncle buck would throw up some numbers so i could get a good laugh listening to u guys talk about how your getting cheated