Ron Paul getting cheated out of victory?

would u translate this for me

It means he's one of the most known people on these forums, and is graceful in defeat, when he's proven wrong and isn't a sore loser about it (all joking aside). Sure we all razz each other but its out of love newbie. RIU is about weed, enjoy it and don't take anything offensive seriously, 95% of people are high while on this forum. The other 4.5% are in between tokes, and the other 0.5 are secret gov agents out to rat peoples grows.
It means he's one of the most known people on these forums, and is graceful in defeat, when he's proven wrong and isn't a sore loser about it (all joking aside). Sure we all razz each other but its out of love newbie. RIU is about weed, enjoy it and don't take anything offensive seriously, 95% of people are high while on this forum. The other 4.5% are in between tokes, and the other 0.5 are secret gov agents out to rat peoples grows.

u must be really high to think ron pauls gonna win
u must be really high to think ron pauls gonna win

Who said I wasn't? Who said I thought he was going to win? I'm supporting him dude, if he loses I will still vote for Romney, I don't like Gingrinch or Santorum. I'm a moderate, like you I am against idiotic lies that the average joe doesn't bother to research himself. I'am not a no-one but paul. I agree with Ron Paul, but if he doesn't win, your vote still counts, not voting means your throwing your voice away.

Edit: Seriously dude, chill out. What have we done to offend you so much? The only thing I can think of is its out of spite, since no-one else has such fervent support :D
be honest.................was that the very first fried chicken joke? or is that where u ron paul people go every time?

If you can't quote a post of mine where I say anything about fried chicken (besides me saying that boneless has no flavor) than you owe me $100.
Boneless chicken wings were created for white people.

Agreed, hilariously my friend almost died, eating chicken. He just scoffed it down, and the bone was stuck in his throat, he had to go to hospital. Happened 2 years before I met him. But I was like... wtf.. howd you swallow the whole chicken?
supporting ron paul is stupid
living in one of the most dangerous places in the world is stupid
buying a house...... basement or not in that place is stupid
thinking an education is the track to a better life in the world we live in stupid
fried chicken jokes are stupid

not listening to somebody else because what they have to say isnt how u stupid

i think u ron paul people are the trolls...............its ron paul or nuthin how fukn brain washed are u

it would be nice if uncle buck would throw up some numbers so i could get a good laugh listening to u guys talk about how your getting cheated
The first bolded line followed by the second was basically you calling yourself stupid...

*sigh* Your such a noob-troll, maybe try to get better at it before trying it here again?
Its comical to see Democrats v. Republicans v. Conservatives v. Liberals all thinking there is some distinction between their candidates. They are one in the same, all without an original idea. The results will be the same regardless of whichever mainstream muppet sits on the stage. At least Paul offers some original thought, though not enough. Paul has stated he is in favor of promoting individual freedoms (oddly liberal for a conservative or is the notion of personal freedom a conservative idea, hmmmm?), what is there not to like about that. Certainly neither Obama nor any of the rodeo clowns will favor the individual over corporate blood letting. We are the butt of the joke fellas and arguing amongst ourselves as to how we are going to take it!
It means he's one of the most known people on these forums, and is graceful in defeat, when he's proven wrong and isn't a sore loser about it (all joking aside). Sure we all razz each other but its out of love newbie. RIU is about weed, enjoy it and don't take anything offensive seriously, 95% of people are high while on this forum. The other 4.5% are in between tokes, and the other 0.5 are secret gov agents out to rat peoples grows.
And we like turtles