Ron Paul in the MTV/Myspace forum


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul did a great job in the MTV/Myspace forum. Of course, some of his answers may have been too scholarly for the audience, which appeared to be populated mostly by the kind of people you'd expect to get their ideas from MTV. Many of them sat there looking bored because they weren't getting the lame-brained platitudes and promises of free stuff an Obama offers. The girl who wants taxpayers to subsidize her undoubtedly prodigious sex life seemed especially disappointed.
But for that even-smaller-than-usual Remnant in MTV's audience, Ron Paul provided a wealth of ideas that they can Google later about sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. His summary at the end about not wanting to run people's lives probably struck a cord in a great many young people already sick of power-hungry politicians -- you could see the smiles spread across the audience members' faces as he spoke. He needs to play that note for all it's worth.
a couple of clips from the mtv forum

NAU Super Highway Meeting Packed Out


New Member
I agree with all that he had to say, except with the privatization agenda. If we could trust the private sector to do the right things, then I'd say OK but they've proven they can't be trusted. Greed is the controlling factor. The private sector needs oversight that is honest and fair, where you'd get this is beyond my comprehension.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul did a great job in the MTV/Myspace forum. Of course, some of his answers may have been too scholarly for the audience, which appeared to be populated mostly by the kind of people you'd expect to get their ideas from MTV. Many of them sat there looking bored because they weren't getting the lame-brained platitudes and promises of free stuff an Obama offers. The girl who wants taxpayers to subsidize her undoubtedly prodigious sex life seemed especially disappointed.
But for that even-smaller-than-usual Remnant in MTV's audience, Ron Paul provided a wealth of ideas that they can Google later about sound money, free markets, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. His summary at the end about not wanting to run people's lives probably struck a cord in a great many young people already sick of power-hungry politicians -- you could see the smiles spread across the audience members' faces as he spoke. He needs to play that note for all it's worth.
a couple of clips from the mtv forum

NAU Super Highway Meeting Packed Out
I agree, I was like damn ron paul is snapping.


Well-Known Member
I agree with all that he had to say, except with the privatization agenda. If we could trust the private sector to do the right things, then I'd say OK but they've proven they can't be trusted. Greed is the controlling factor. The private sector needs oversight that is honest and fair, where you'd get this is beyond my comprehension.
i dont even trust my managers at work i feel politicians arnt too different
but there is always the one that stands out to you


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul need to me more snapping like that.. He have to start to take more attention since people needed it. he have to proved that media control cant keep on control people like that anymore... RP'll not drop out not unless there are no more supporter show up and he will always have me....


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is THE DOCTOR! He's 4 REAL the onlyest honest politician who'se votes correlate with his actions out of ALL the presidential candidates Period. Tha R3VOLution will become reality!


Well-Known Member
I agree with all that he had to say, except with the privatization agenda. If we could trust the private sector to do the right things, then I'd say OK but they've proven they can't be trusted. Greed is the controlling factor. The private sector needs oversight that is honest and fair, where you'd get this is beyond my comprehension.
Your right, Marx. Those welfare junkies shoplift and it inflates the price of goods for the rest of us. We need to invest in more law enforcement so they can book these enabled herds. Then people will only have to pay a fair price for their goods and services, and since it is FREE enterprise, you don't have to buy it at an unfair price unless there is a monopoly, which gets shut down by people who are conservative and liberal and entrepreneurial alike.


New Member
Marxism is so easy to refute. Its failed everywhere its been tried. Its hard to understand how people in this modern age are still beguiled by it. "There are none so enslaved as those who think they're free when they're not."



New Member
Marxism is so easy to refute. Its failed everywhere its been tried. Its hard to understand how people in this modern age are still beguiled by it. "There are none so enslaved as those who think they're free when they're not."

Did I mention Marxism, NO I didn't, I mentioned honesty. When you want to tear down one of my posts, please start out with the right subject matter. Honesty can be applied to any political venue and make it more workable. Just because I want a nice life for everyone, doesn't make me a marxist, but if it did, then what the hell would be wrong with it. Do you think in the grand scheme of things you are entitled to a better life than anyone else, that you are one of the chosen few, or that since you chose to work your ass off, that criteria alone should afford you priveledge. Jesus, your lord didn't think so. He stated that it would be harder for a rich man to get to heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, did you ever get that? Where in the hell is your spark of humility?


New Member
^^^^ More class warfare bull pucky from old Med-'O-Mao. ^^^

"I want a nice life for everyone"

At who's expense, and with whom in charge? :roll:



New Member
or that since you chose to work your ass off, that criteria alone should afford you priveledge.

Hell yeah!!


Well-Known Member
cant agree anymore with Threatlevelorange RP is the only choice that any people with sense in there head would choice You dont have to be republican or dem. just simply a person who have sense and love their freedom.....