Ron Paul ... Next Sunday ...


New Member
Ron Paul will be the guest on "Meet The Press" with Tim Russert next Sunday, Dec. 23. He'll have a whole hour to express his views. Should be interesting. Hope you all watch it so we can discuss it here in the forum.



New Member
Ron Paul will be the guest on "Meet The Press" with Tim Russert next Sunday, Dec. 23. He'll have a whole hour to express his views. Should be interesting. Hope you all watch it so we can discuss it here in the forum.

Yeah, I'd really like to hear his views on medical and SS, he has been overly silent on those important issues. To me, if he would institute single payer and guarantee SS, then all his other attributes would be acceptable and some even nobel. I do like his views on the war and foriegn policy, the FED and certain other agendas like restoring constitutionality to government, but his privatization of the government scares the hell out of me. We all know the corporate agenda, profit rules and fuck everything else. How would you like Blackwater patrolling our streets?


Well-Known Member
Call the neighbors and wake the kids!
Anyone who reads this and cares about freedom should tell everybody they know who votes to check out Paul with Russert on Sunday...

I have major disagreements with Andrew Sullivan on a few issues, but he has written one of the most articulate and eloquent rationales for supporting Dr Paul!...

But the deeper reason to support Ron Paul is a simple one. The great forgotten principles of the current Republican party are freedom and toleration. Paul's federalism, his deep suspicion of Washington power, his resistance to government spending, debt and inflation, his ability to grasp that not all human problems are soluble, least of all by government: these are principles that made me a conservative in the first place. No one in the current field articulates them as clearly and understands them as deeply as Paul. He is a man of faith who nonetheless sees a clear line between religion and politics. More than all this, he has somehow ignited a new movement of those who love freedom and want to rescue it from the do-gooding bromides of the left and the Christianist meddling of the right. The Paulites' enthusiasm for liberty, their unapologetic defense of core conservative principles, their awareness that in the new millennium, these principles of small government, self-reliance, cultural pluralism, and a humble foreign policy are more necessary than ever - no lover of liberty can stand by and not join them.
He's the real thing in a world of fakes and frauds. And in a primary campaign where the very future of conservatism is at stake, that cannot be ignored. In fact, it demands support.
Go Ron Paul!
The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan


Well-Known Member
It comes on at 8am...on a should be the highest rated show for that time :P
Better then the 4am loco cable show I saw him on, things are looking up.
I'll have to rec it, should be good Tim is known for tossing soft ball questions.


New Member
What do you want to bet that Russert puts Ron Paul on the hot seat? There won't be any "soft balls" coming Paul's way ... and that's a good thing. Russert will try his level best to trip RP up on some of his beliefs. What many don't know is that RP can be VERY articulate about his principles. He's no new-comer to the issues he espouses. All one has to do is read just one of RP's books to know that the guy is a real thinker. I hope ... no, I PRAY that Russert enters into the area of the Federal Reserve, the income tax, and the IRS, with his usual smirk on his face and we can all watch the shit-eating grin disappear as RP makes his principled stance for liberty.

Meet The Press has a HUGE audience, so that means that millions of Americans are going to hear a true liberty devotee, possibly for the very first time in their lives . God, there truely is a Heaven! :)




Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'd really like to hear his views on medical and SS, he has been overly silent on those important issues. To me, if he would institute single payer and guarantee SS, then all his other attributes would be acceptable and some even nobel. I do like his views on the war and foriegn policy, the FED and certain other agendas like restoring constitutionality to government, but his privatization of the government scares the hell out of me. We all know the corporate agenda, profit rules and fuck everything else. How would you like Blackwater patrolling our streets?
what do you mean about privatization of gov? i dont think ive heard that about him yet, from what i understand its the opposite, but who knows,
i wish i could post videos on here ive seen some really great videos on youtube where he talks about how SS is unfair and he talks about VA hospitals and public hospitals,

i just found these i cant find the ones i saw but


there are soo many more check them out unless youve already seen them


Well-Known Member
It was a good watch I must say.
I really don't understand how RP is against big spending while
having huge earmarks, can't say you don't like cake,
while eating a nice big slice to state ur only gona eat it
because it's their, I did not agree with RP answer on that 1 question.

Other then that I thought RP did well, and yeah not soft balls either,
good call, I was wrong.