im not a republican cheerleader i just dont see any difference betweeen bush and obama. pushing there war agendas in the middle east. i like ron paul because he believes in the constitution and bill of rights which neither bush or obama respect.
i can name a few differences.
bush wanted to privatize SS, obama does not
bush favored DADT, obama got it repealed
bush, in his own words, wasn't concerned about bin laden. obama made it a priority and we got him.
bush lied us into iraq, obama will have us all but out of there (save some 3,000 troops) by 2014
bush mired us in an endless quagmire that cost trillions of dollars and thousands of soldiers (not to mention injuries and mental trauma), obama took out quadaffi without a boot on the ground in less than 6 months
bush let the health insurance companies keep my wife from getting insured, obama made it so that she could get insured
bush sent me a one time $600 chec which i basically had to pay back the next year, obama sent me $400 two years in a row just for working
bush had taken 220 vacation days by this point in his first term compared to obama's 70 days
bush let 9/11 happen on his watch, several terrorist attempts have been thwarted under obama
bush let new orleans drown while he hung out on the ranch in crawford, obama was consulting with fema before irene made landfall
bush claimed mission accomplished, obama accomplished the mission
bush left the economy losing 700k jobs a month, obama has stabilized us to where we haven't lost private sector jobs for over a year now.
i can go on.