Ron Paul to Make Major Announcement Next Week


Well-Known Member
Vi is "jumping shit" because for one, you can write ron paul all day on your ballet but its not going to mean shit, they are gonna look at it-give it a lil quirk- and throw it away.

RP lost the nomination, he is not going for the independent party, so he is out of the race. This is how the system works, by you writing RP on the ballet is the same as not voting, regardless of what you wish it to be.

This is the system in place.

Also, if I am not mistaken, Vi is conservative and Ron Paul is the most conservative out of the republican pool running for POTUS, this is why I believe Vi supported him. Now that RP doesn't stand a chance in hell, and Palin is the most conservative official with the possibility to making into office, she gets my vote as well.

You're right, shes not going to be the president, she will just be the VP, but thats a worthy position, and McCain will be a whole lot better than Obama.

Vi, if I am incorrect please forgive but I think this is why you, and other RP supporters, have went with McCain/Palin

Dave you and Sea are die hard RP supporters but you have got to face the facts, he lost so either don't vote or vote for the better candidate.
bwhahahaha so john mccain is the better candidate? bwhahahahaha

some of you really do base your vote on the color of skin. its so fucking obvious!

mccain gets your vote for b/c of Palin?

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice to know you're basing your vote off a VP.

didnt know we voted for VP nows.....damn ya learn something NEW everyday


New Member
o_0 Ron Paul officially gave up his bid for the Republican nomination a while ago...
And all the dreamers are still holding on. Hooray, vote Ron Paul, I'm all for it, let's see, 6 million R.P. supporters = 6 million votes for Obama,~LOL~. go get em R.P Lovers.


Well-Known Member
No, YOU deal with it. If you want to vote for fairies in the sky, go ahead. I'll vote for Ron Paul's party this time, hoping that Sarah Palin and other's like her in the party, like Ron Paul, will have enough influence to start turning things around. I mean, Ron Paul sure as hell isn't getting elected, is he?

Look, GR ... if Obama bin Biden is turned away, it will set the progressive movement back fifty years. I would be delighted with that, why wouldn't you? Or have you not given any thought to it?

There's nothing for me to deal with Vi ... I'm not the one dropping my draws ... you and other sheepkiss-ass:sleep: like you are ... you fell for the two party only wasting your vote bullshit ... if you want to continue to get screwed that's your affair you have that right ... but I'll sleep well knowing I told these assholes to go fuck themselves and voted for the best candidate ... not the horse I think can win ... that is such an asinine belief ... no wonder this country is so fuck up when it comes to high level of government ...
... and I consider my self a progressive ... Obama and Biden are not ...:dunce:

Don't even go there Vi. I respect you and all, but I have not wavered in my support for Ron Paul. Med is right, you've jumped ship which disappoints me as we don't vote for a VP, we vote for a President and Palin easily swayed you. I will not vote for a man who supports war and increased deficit spending (you never answered my question regarding his vote to increase the deficit). I resent that you would even post something like this and I hope you and I don't have to tangle over this as I would have to eat you alive.
I think you are going to have to start eating ... :roll:


Well-Known Member
bwhahahaha so john mccain is the better candidate? bwhahahahaha

some of you really do base your vote on the color of skin. its so fucking obvious!

mccain gets your vote for b/c of Palin?

BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA nice to know you're basing your vote off a VP.

didnt know we voted for VP nows.....damn ya learn something NEW everyday
Who is voting off the color of the skin loudblunts, are you pulling the race card again?

McCain is the better candidate by far in both policies and experience.

If you even read what I said you wouldn't open your mouth and spew out your ignorance, I am talking about why some RON PAUL supporters are choosing to go with McCain/Palin is because of Palin. I am republican, McCain gets my vote before I knew who his VP was, so good job there Loudblunts.


New Member
And all the dreamers are still holding on. Hooray, vote Ron Paul, I'm all for it, let's see, 6 million R.P. supporters = 6 million votes for Obama,~LOL~. go get em R.P Lovers.
I couldn't say it any better than Med said it in the above post. Read it carefully, Ron Paul supporters ... RIU's enemy of liberty has spoken the truth.

Obama is the best chance the Progressives, Fascists, Socialists and Marxists in this country have had to elect a president since FDR. Obama is smooth, articulate, handsome and dynamic. Cast all that aside ... his ideas suck. His ideas will lead this country further down the slope of Marxism and away from liberty. Exactly the opposite of where Ron Paul would have led us.

They tried with Dukakis. They tried with McGovern. They failed each time because America is a conservative country and their candidates have been seen through for exactly what they were each time. Obama is different only in personality ... the message is the same old worn out Marxist class struggle bullshit.

If you write in Ron Paul, or just stay away from the polls in protest, you are voting for the very thing Ron Paul speaks out against ... and that is the destruction of our Constitutional liberties, what few remain.

Now Dave ... I'm very sorry you're disappointed, but I will be voting McCain/Palin this time around. Think about it ... We came within one Supreme Court vote of losing our 2nd Amendment rights as we know them. One freaking vote! Obama will change that with his liberal nominations. And don't be fooled, his nominations will slide through the Democratic senate nomination committee like butter on a hot sidewalk. The next president will probably appoint at least two judges to the USSC.

Think about the unintended consequences of your protest vote.



Well-Known Member
I couldn't say it any better than Med said it in the above post. Read it carefully, Ron Paul supporters ... RIU's enemy of liberty has spoken the truth.

Obama is the best chance the Progressives, Fascists, Socialists and Marxists in this country have had to elect a president since FDR. Obama is smooth, articulate, handsome and dynamic. Cast all that aside ... his ideas suck. His ideas will lead this country further down the slope of Marxism and away from liberty. Exactly the opposite of where Ron Paul would have led us.

They tried with Dukakis. They tried with McGovern. They failed each time because America is a conservative country and their candidates have been seen through for exactly what they were each time. Obama is different only in personality ... the message is the same old worn out Marxist class struggle bullshit.

If you write in Ron Paul, or just stay away from the polls in protest, you are voting for the very thing Ron Paul speaks out against ... and that is the destruction of our Constitutional liberties, what few remain.

Now Dave ... I'm very sorry you're disappointed, but I will be voting McCain/Palin this time around. Think about it ... We came within one Supreme Court vote of losing our 2nd Amendment rights as we know them. One freaking vote! Obama will change that with his liberal nominations. And don't be fooled, his nominations will slide through the Democratic senate nomination committee like butter on a hot sidewalk. The next president will probably appoint at least two judges to the USSC.

Think about the unintended consequences of your protest vote.

Brown shirts and Jack boots suit you Vi....:roll:


New Member
Here's his statement:

"Dear friends ...

I really appreciate all you've done for me and all of your support for the cause of liberty. In light of recent events, namely the nomination of Sarah Palin as VP on the Republican ticket, I am asking all of my loyal supporters to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. After all, if elected, Sarah Palin will only be a heartbeat away.

As always, I remain your friend in liberty ..."

Why would Paul endorse a woman who hates America?


New Member
His ideas will lead this country further down the slope of Marxism and away from liberty. Exactly the opposite of where Ron Paul would have led us.
You mean Ideas like medical for every citizen, college for every qualified student, jobs for every worker, retirement that doesn't dissapear with your jobs, yeah some real fascist crap there Vi. I guess wanting your children to have it better than you is dead and stinking, Not everyone can be a Bill Gates, in fact 99% of people just want a decent job and some kind of security. Your commie rhetoric is gettin mighty old and outdated.


New Member
His ideas will lead this country further down the slope of Marxism and away from liberty. Exactly the opposite of where Ron Paul would have led us.

You mean Ideas like medical for every citizen, college for every qualified student, jobs for every worker, retirement that doesn't dissapear with your jobs, yeah some real fascist crap there Vi. I guess wanting your children to have it better than you is dead and stinking, Not everyone can be a Bill Gates, in fact 99% of people just want a decent job and some kind of security. Your commie rhetoric is gettin mighty old and outdated.
You're still your old laughable self, Med. :lol:

What you've described above sounds like the old Soviet Union. In fact, those items were included in the Bill of Rights in their Constitution. I know, because I have a copy of it at home. The only person espousing "commie rhetoric" here is YOU. My "rhetoric," if you will, is ANTI-commie. Like the old adage says: "You can fool some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all of the people, all of the time. bongsmilie



New Member
Brown shirts and Jack Boots are representative of government officials like the ones who are no longer government officials in Alaska.

So now you're an expert on Alaska, you actually make me laugh. Get a clue, you are an outdated old geezer with outdated ideas. When cornered, you just spout your anti-commie crap.


New Member
So now you're an expert on Alaska, you actually make me laugh. Get a clue, you are an outdated old geezer with outdated ideas. When cornered, you just spout your anti-commie crap.
And here again we have it ... Med, you have NO substance to your political "thinking." How about puting your thinking cap on at least once in awhile?



New Member
Not even possible. However if he was anything like McCain, you're right, he'd just follow the party line and agree with everything they say.

Here's his statement:

"Dear friends ...

I really appreciate all you've done for me and all of your support for the cause of liberty. In light of recent events, namely the nomination of Sarah Palin as VP on the Republican ticket, I am asking all of my loyal supporters to vote for the McCain/Palin ticket. After all, if elected, Sarah Palin will only be a heartbeat away.

As always, I remain your friend in liberty ..."



New Member
And here again we have it ... Med, you have NO substance to your political "thinking." How about puting your thinking cap on at least once in awhile?

There's no need to bother with my cap in confronting your rhetoric. You are a one trick pony. Anticommunism is your whole "Bag", Boring................


Well-Known Member
Im looking at it like this,she has him turning his back on bush apparently.And whats the worst thing that could happen?His fuckin ticker may go out and we'll have the first woman president.I would give my vote away before i vote for that idiot messiah wannabe with his hands in his pockets and absolutely no fucking clue whats going on!


New Member
Im looking at it like this,she has him turning his back on bush apparently.And whats the worst thing that could happen?His fuckin ticker may go out and we'll have the first woman president.I would give my vote away before i vote for that idiot messiah wannabe with his hands in his pockets and absolutely no fucking clue whats going on!
Who are you talking about, McCain or Obama? I thought you were an Obama Man all the way.