Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

Nice and tidy, Mo. Hope you enjoyed your holiday (you have been on holiday right?).
So do you clear away ganja plants for the relatives? I know in previous years this would have been impossible for you, maybe you just didn't invite relatives round in those days.

I have my 15 yr and 12 yr old Nephews coming to stay. Their Mum has told them about things (they already knew about weed anyway) as they are those types of kids who know EVERYTHING! Actually, I have never seen kids with so much, their parents have far too much money. My mate back home was totally shocked the other day when he was at the park with his son, the kid goes, "thats, Jonny he smokes the weed!". My mate said he was gobsmacked. This recently followed on a pr0n incident where one of his sons pals sent an email to the others with a picture of a man doing something on a ladies face....ffs, makes you a bit concerned. I don't think I saw pics like that until I was at least 10, lmfao (I remember we found a stash of pr0n mags in the woods). Amazing what you find in woods eh!> lol.
nice peach Mo! yards coming along man.

kids do know everything these days. I'm sure there's a ratio to it, each generation learn about birds, bees n bongs earlier than the last. I blame social media and the digital age!!! christ makes you feel old haha. been getting some reminders of just how mortal we are of late. not good ones either.

right i'm off to shout at some kids for kicking a ball somewhere. bringing victor meldew back baby muahahaaa
Thanks All!
I enjoyed my vacation best I could. Tooth started killing me and I got my dentist to get me in. Needed a root canal! Got some good drugs and slept for a day.

Went up to Griffith Observatory and Hollywood with the clan. Hung out by the pool and sampled a bunch of flowers, hash, and edibles, and used many different pipes and vaping devices.

It is all a bit of a blur. A good blur :)

Is anyone else aware of the fact that the amount of ants on this planet equals the body weight of all the human beings on this planet! And fuk me half of the little fuckers have decided to move to my house! Try as I may, powders are nae use whatsoever. And then there's the lovely aphids they heard around your plants (the worse part).

I harvested my lettuce and probably threw half of it away (although I have also been harvesting small amounts of it as we go along - christ, I think I may be turning rabbit with the amount of leaves I have been munching my way though of late). I don't see how to get rid of the ants as they are all over my neighbourhood.....

Moving on swiftly to the cute little birds that come to my rooftop (the feathered variety I am afraid). Well, they have been having strawberry and blueberry lunches and dinners, along with, I discovered this morning - digging parties in my tulip beds. MOFO's!:) Oh the joys.....Blueberries have been moved into the greenhouse, and strawberries (I have had around 4 I think, lmfao) still pondering on a plan......

less chit chat, more pics....

Blueberries decanted to greenhouse>>
Deep Blue yin>>
Beefsteak toms>>
mini lettuce, veldsla>>
IMG_2972.JPG B-Boy and Celeb toms>>
Red Peppers>>
Strawberry mint, now gone to see, lovely little delicate flowers>>
to be cont>>
"TheThingfromunderthegreenhouse" is going strong, haha. It's been getting munched by all sorts but it chugging away>>
teenagers these days, always just hanging around:)>>
Lettuce battlefield>>
Strawberries are like the Jungle Brothers...."on the run">>
Cauli's zonder bloemen>>

maybe some jam traps might help man. they'll eat anything but find something they're partial too thats too viscous for them to escape! we get them round the front of the house but the powder and removing the foliage they're hiding in usually helps. GL my man.

hows the visit going?
Cheers for the suggestions. Visits next week lad.
Looks like the vid is done by 3 Dutch rappers, Doobie...never seen them before, but that's not saying much.
Oh Man, The JBs!!! Takes me back to hot summers in NYC.....and my bother Drew(rip)! Great times those 80's!
In spite of the bugs, the greenhouse is looking good. Second year for my strawberries and no runners yet...fruit, but no runners.... We're enjoying Purple Cherokees, and Cukes, but still waiting on the Better Boys, Pear Toms, and Beefsteaks to Ripen. ATB!
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I planted the peach tree last year.

D - Try ant bait. Here we have Grant's for Ants. It is birth control that the ants take back to the queen and it destroys the colony. Works great!
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Grants for ants in yer pants....birth control eh? interesting. I heard they don't like baby powder either.....maybe I should just leave the wee man out there over night, lol.:shock:
lmao i can see the look on your good ladies face at the mere suggestion haha

thing is with those little buggers(ants I mean!) you don't notice them til they're carrying bits of food across your bloody floor