Storm today. Quite a few trees down in Amsterdam. Tram, trains etc all cancelled. Conifers all blown over. All ladies inside greenhouse.
During the day he's a mild mannered tomato....but at night he's Super Duck.
More blueberry muffins....
Peace and a right good muffin for anyone who deserves one
The mantids are unsure of what to think of me at first. Then I tell them it is OK and I won't hurt them. They jump right on my hand. I think insects are intelligent.
I will occasionally move them to parts of the garden in need of their talents.
hee hee I WANT ONE! ah you always show me your muffins when im drinkin my coffee in the morning.!!! TORTURE! lol. ill try my hand at some Gluten free blueberry pancakes now. is gluten free a big thing in Amsterdam? Have a good one DST and hope you make it through the storms safe and sound.
We were landing in San Jose and the wind was blowing so hard and the plane kept tipping a wing tip down that I was sure the pilot was going to dip a tip in the water!
It's mad flying a plane I guess. I think they do that to get air out from under the wings and bring them down, so it's actually the pilots that make the wings tip like that I think.
It was the only time I was thinking I was going to crash. The plane kept rocking hard one direction and then the other. The runway starts in the water and is surrounded by boulders.
Some pics of toms, strawberries and peppers. Tomatoe plants are really yellowing. They have just had straight water and in my compost and reconditioned soil....I think I over watered one by using a bottle feeder that you spoke into the ground. The trays are really small and they got a bit water logged as there was no run off holes not to worry. Get plenty. Strawberries are a bit fuller. Still a bit sour though. Not the best variety I have tasted. Yin seems to like them
Red peppers are still......well, green.
Peace DST