Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

yes ha ha ha, not funny when you see your kids do that. Both my girls I have seen do it time to time. I am guilty some times letting them occupy themselves with it so there is quiet time. Horrible habit :). Yeah was just telling a friend same thing other day. We used to haul ass and go build shit, build forts, build tree houses, build camps, build skate ramps, build half pipes.... and not some shanty shit. And we were outside all day everyday if we could be. different generation......
I used to love building car tracks roads n cities under my big old almond tree as a kid
Ive been keeping creative while the tools were down, getting right into the whole cooking from scratch, satisfying !!
Been hanging about the house waiting on the baby since Sun night, and tried my hand at some Scottish tablet today. Easy recipe but soooo good. I only eat a small amount, give it away to friends and family!
I would only hope for his health that he used to! Not heard sight nor sound of him since I got busted knocking on his front door. DS sitting inside ffs I just happened to have a little bit on me.....big bummers.
Hi-de-hi campers. Put some Tom seeds down (yup. .running a bit late this year). Anyhoo. One is the tasty Tom or Dolce Rosso which I recently extracted the pips from a fresh tomatoe and dried quite quickly so let see if they pop. The other variety is a Spanish variety from my friends village. It's a quick finisher by all accounts lol. Called Marmande. Just soil atm lol
The lettuce is settling in. Still none of the seeds I dropped have shown signs of life which is a bit pants.
First real leaves on the carrots. Or Worteltjes as they get called in NL.
Broccoli babies and 2 new pea shoots popped up to say hello.
Red cabbage and cauliflowers doing what plants do.....Erm? chill and grow of course.
Couple of.pron shots. Deep Blue then a dog flower.

And this Fireballs male. Put outside a good month or so ago and with no sun it's still busting out its hairy purple bollox :)
Peace and big purple bobbles DST
love the tour DST! better late then never - homegrown tomatoes stomp all over anything at the store. I was going to go from seed this year, but decided to wait and just get starts from my local nursery of heirloom stuff and save seed this year.
I should have mine out but missus isn't entertaining the idea of me putting them in the conservatory. cat would probably destroy them anyway.

runaway strawberry plant just outside the greenhouse there. that FB male just keeps on throwing big shiny disco balls huh
Toms aint illegal are they?:)

The FB male clone is now looking happy as well!! After it's flopsy episode.
hahah no they aren't but it seems the only thing allowed to make mess in there is the flaming cat. man he's such a douche. good news re flopsy haha