Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

It has been in the high 90s here all week. Fires breaking out everywhere! Tomorrow is expected to be cooler.

When I lived in Colorado, Halloween was always the first snow. Same thing there - it went from summer to winter in a day.
It has been in the high 90s here all week. Fires breaking out everywhere! Tomorrow is expected to be cooler.

When I lived in Colorado, Halloween was always the first snow. Same thing there - it went from summer to winter in a day.
I don’t really like it. It’s too shocking. I’m looking to leave here in August.
I heard about the fires. Cali really gets hit hard with fires.How much is left to burn down at this point?And I heard PGE is going to be doing rolling blackout for several years during fire season. Bummer.
How’s it DST?hows the weather?Weather here has gone to shit here. Last week I was wearing a tank top. This week it’s raining and freezing cold. This place absolutely sucks. We had one week of nice fall weather. That’s it.
Did you chop the beast down yet?
hey Ambs.
weather here is weird. one min min its warm. this week it's over 15c up to 18. Shorts type of weather for us.
Beast has been chopped. Done it in 2 stages. Pressing it all. Return is not great but some pretty amazing looking extract.
peace DST
not really DAT. only to store pots and bags of re amended soil.
My plans changed mate. I won’t be coming out in January. I have an important business meeting to attend. Instead we will come out in June so hopefully you have some greenhouse action poppin around then or some weed you need help smoking and trimmin. Will work for weed! Have a Happy Turkey day!
Yes - how is that rosin?

Happy Danksgiving!


Copied from the Chucker's thread.