Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam


Well-Known Member
I hope you dont live near a school.... Would be a drag being on the sex offenders list, having to knock on every door in the neighborhood "hey its me D the sex offender, just had to let you know I live around you and your kids. But I only bang pumpkins, so... you know. Okay, yeah, well. Hey! I'll see you next Halloween at the block party. You guys put jack-o-lanterns on display, don't you? I like jack-o-lanterns.... mmmm.... they have pretty mouths... and they squeal like a stuck pig when you do them... mmm... sexy ass little squash bitches.... Okay! See you around neighbor!"
Fixed that for you.


Well-Known Member
I bet i could keep up drinkin with you guys lol, ive got an iron liver, just dont ask me to drive. You guys got the steering wheel on the wrong side of the car ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i'm on hiatus from full on sessions now NB. but in my prime i can sup like a champion. it's the ensuing drama that follows that's the problem lol.


Well-Known Member
Im 99% a good ninja when im chasing the bottom of a smile has been known to stretch from ear to ear at the end of the night though ;)

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Me too but once someone crosses a line I'm not so relaxed. Btw its world gin day!!! I love it so much I have it tattooed on my lower lip.


Well-Known Member
On the inside as far as I can remember. A guy I went to the football with had ACAB on the inside of his bottom lip, lol.


Well-Known Member
I actually felt not bad this morning. I did have some shut eye on the couch this afternoon, and the beer at 420 helped a lot as well. Then I had to meet folks at the pub, then go for a meal with friends, so my arm was twisted to drink even more, ffs, I am weak. lol.


Well-Known Member
Dogs that are on the finishing straight....

Deep Blue - very hungry.

Here's something a friend of mine has got going;) screen is going in then a bit of veg time and training, and let the monkey flip the switch!(the dogs will almost double in flower).

There's a mh and an hps in there at the moment. and one of the puppies.

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
Scrambled eggs with chicken-pineapple-bacon sausage, cherry toms, and onions, and a bowl of blueberries on the side!

Happy Fathers Day DST!



Well-Known Member
Sneaking into my grow again D? Asking cause that looks like hydroton over coco or soil,,, Im the only one that can do that! Your friend is gonna have a grip O dog come harvest time :-) Looks like hes doing a tidy job on all counts!


Well-Known Member
I bought sausages the other day, took the meat out the skin, chopped up some pear, added that and some herbs, or 'erbs as you guys say, and remade the sausages, nice combo, freerange pork and pear. Looks tasty, Mo.
Scrambled eggs with chicken-pineapple-bacon sausage, cherry toms, and onions, and a bowl of blueberries on the side!

Happy Fathers Day DST!



Well-Known Member
It was delicious! The blueberries have such a unique flavor. I am so happy that now I am getting a big bowl of berries instead of the birds!

I have run into a dilemma with the greenhouse. The block wall I want to use to hold one of the sides is not plumb. I can't figure out a way to attach the studs and keep everything square. I will smoke a bowl and see what I can think up :)