Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

The good lady planted them. From what I remember they took ages to germinate, we had them a number of years before this one started flowering. And out of the x amount she planted, it's the only one that's flowered. They get pretty big as well.

and they do best when root bound. most plants from seed or pseutobulb take years to flower.

^^^^^nice mo i will have to get some garden pics this weekend ^^^^^
Very true Dr. but strange how the one in the biggest pot flowered. I had some great flowers from my Mothering Tongue plant as it got rootbound. Never done it since though, but it was potted up a few years back.
Couple of pics from today...not much going on, still bloody freezing here as well.
dolce rosso tomato clone from last season. made it through even with mite attack

and next to it's sister clone that is still in water and has survived since last year, lol....needs to be potted sooner rather than later...and of course the obligatory cloggs:)


Blue Pit reveg

Jake Dream Dads, and Dream Dog? dad.

Peace and happy gardening.
Looks great D! Hope it starts warming up for you soon!

The Mulanje dropped an unknown seed and I found it growing under some leaves. I built a little barrier around it and I am calling it the love child. Got a pic today at sunset:

Kind of like an Oscar binbag type plant:), a nice surprise. Fingers crossed it provides you with something good!
It has a pink center which I only saw on the Ace of Spades plants. Two AOS dads were flowering when the Mulanje started to flower. I am very excited to see what happens. Probably a boy :P

hey thats MY watering can!!!!
and so that makes that plant mine!!!
Post it express!
thanxxx wateringcanowner xxmissxx
Oh, I thought when I surreptisiously borrowed it that, you would pick it up?? non??:) And if you want to come around and play with either of the boys then just let me know.:):)
Spring is here....I think.
Our Blueberry (that has probably only made us about 2 dozen muffins in it's whole life) is starting to bud. I thought it may had died over winter but apparently it's a hardy mofo, allbeit not a large producer:)


Sat leaning Male - Jakes Dream

Fireball Male

I am sucha clutz. This is the hermed JD that I cut and hung to dry outside, I was checking it out and only dropped it in some soil, lol....covered in crap it it now...ah well:)


And that's it for about now. I was sure I ad some pics of my tom clones but maybe that was in another dream I had.
Peace, slainte mhath
Hi Ilyaas

I thought both the males were hansdome fella's, so no sad faces around here.....and you need Males to breed with.
hahah i do that regular d, end up shaking the hell out of a branch to get the coco grains off lol.

thank god spring has sprung! you checked in yet? ;)
ARRRGGGHHH, had to bin all the tom cuts i had been wintering in the living room window cuz of damn sm cant even bring myself to say it. Gona be keeeping a hawks eye on the girls upstairs. Just typing about it is making me itch ffs. That one sunny day last week we think cuz we had the door open a bit they got in. The jade tree seems unaffected thankfully. Just what we need this spring ffs.
Not yet, Don got my speedos ready though:shock:

Fingers crossed for the sm Fred (sssshhhh, naughty word). I could probably get another cut sorted in a few weeks lad??? let me know, or I'll send some tom beans across.

And xxMissxx, nah, I keep myself to myself in Am-dam. A few guys I know hang out at Soma's place, but as my Step Dad always said to me, Fly with the Crows, Get shot with the Crows....and in the Dam it's not as friendly as people think.
AAAAAGGGHHHHHHH f*ck man nightmare. take a cut and treat it and isolate it. failing that i've some pips i may have managed to keep viable!?!?
Not yet, Don got my speedos ready though:shock:

Fingers crossed for the sm Fred (sssshhhh, naughty word). I could probably get another cut sorted in a few weeks lad??? let me know, or I'll send some tom beans across.

And xxMissxx, nah, I keep myself to myself in Am-dam. A few guys I know hang out at Soma's place, but as my Step Dad always said to me, Fly with the Crows, Get shot with the Crows....and in the Dam it's not as friendly as people think.

LOL Amsterdam is the friendliest city I ever lived in... I arrived just in time... around 1998 just before they starting sticking their heads up their bums and complaining an changing everything... an Soma is cool his daughter is one of my best friends... Love Her! thou she crazy! ... funnily enough I don't like any of Somas weed... I find it too harsh too diesely...
I miss amsterdam XXX a lot........ xmissingxamsterdamxmissx