Well-Known Member
Had some hectic weather yesterday for around these parts. Thunder and Lightning, but probably only a slight breeze compared to what the guys over the pond get. Anyway, the azaleas where not damaged too much, lost a fair bit of flowers but there's enough to be going on with. I have a load of different lettuce put down, Field, Red, Iceberg, among others. Also some cauliflower and some new strawberries. 14 of the 14 Fireballs have popped in the wet kitchen towel routine, popped them in soil and although when I took this pic yesterday only 12 where showing, the other 2 are now making an appearance. The Dolce Rosso tomatoes are getting big, time to think about netting and such like. Still not decided on what configuration I will do on that front but it will come eventually. The "thing from under the greenhouse" is still bobbing along, and my revegged Blue Pit clone is also doing it's thing (I took that clone when my reveg plant decide to go back into flower when it was outside before Spring) I think that's about that from the rooftop...

Have a nice and not so wet weekend.

Have a nice and not so wet weekend.