Well-Known Member
Im out of touch @greencropper no idea what you are talking about, I havent tuned in to any sort of news in a long time. Dont tell me, Im quite happy knowing about my own chaos, and thats enough without others 

Go get em' VN, LOL.............I'm battling fruit fly ATM, not a pest as such but bloody annoying. I've found that they're extremely partial to the same wine I'm addicted to. So my grow room is now covered in empty wine bottles with pierced lids and they're working great, only been doing it a few days and I've already noticed the numbers significantly reduced....................gotta cut down on the wine though, blew work out today cos' I nailed 2 bottles while re-potting my seedlings last night. Gonna have to go in on Sunday instead now to drag the time back.I was still seeing a few whiteflies fucking about when I brushed against the plants so they all got hosed this evening with a strong dose (2 tbs) of chili sauce (coupla mouth burners) mixed with water and a few drops of soap + some LAB in the spray bottle. Fuck off cunts
Link to the study cited??there's an epidemic of men getting throat cancer from growling out womans furburgers(clambake), apparently its the same virus that causes ovarian cancer that is present in the vag, Mr Simmons being famous for performing orally to that area of countless lassies!
My cousin's husband has been fighting throat cancer for a couple years now. He has just got to where he can eat some solid food again. I'm sure he ate some pussy in his time, but he also smoked and drank whiskey, two of the leading causes of throat thought that until my neighbor died of throat cancer...not a nice way to go, but theres the vaccine now so just make sure the girl has had the jab & its happy days!
It's not pretty.what i saw of my neighbor before he died it was like he was choking to death...yucks! but yeah we all gotta die of something & if i got it the same way as him then a handful of powerful tabs would have to be on the menu!
ohhh was just a bit part on the evening news about 2yrs ago
A healthy lifestyle is the first priority. Then one can weather occasional indulgences with relative impunity.thats it bro, what sort of life would it be being monk like? its a fine balance of indulging & weighing the things that bring us pleasure yet tox us at the same time
I remember that. It was pretty funny at the time. Maybe not to her though.Mike Douglas claimed it happened to him,his wife wasn't to happy about the publicity