Rooftop SE Asia

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Looking good!

I had a major crush on a Cambodian girl when I was younger. She lived in the neighborhood my grandfather and I worked in. I dreamed about her for years after her and her family moved away. I only visited my grandfather in the summer time so I only got to see her for a few months a year and oh those were always the best ones!


Well-Known Member
Neighbors are gearing up for another fucking drunk fest in the street so I just swallowed about 1/2 gram of nepalese. Gearing up to deal with it :)
It's so crazy to me how society just expects us to put up with drunks and their antics. Can't go to a concert or music fest or any gathering without expecting to get someone's beer spilled on you, but heaven forbid you pull out some Mary j.