Hey everyone,
I am trying so hard to grow these babies. I have tried plenty of times in the past with all failure. This is the first time I am going online and seeking help though. I want so badly to see these babies grow nice and big but I just cant do it man! Right now they are tiny. Maybe 2 1/2 inches tall. They are turning colors and curling. They have been under incandescent light until about an hour ago when I just read CFL's are better. So I just went and bought a CFL. During the day time I bring them outside to get real sun, then when the sun goes down I bring them in because I think I read they need like 18 hrs of light. I do plan on these babies to be planted outdoors eventually. I have put some fertilizer in the soil recently. I hope they're not getting nute burn or anything. I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm doing SO much research but everyone says so many different things, you know? I don't know which people are accurate.
I guess my question is that they dont look healthy right? Can someone help me here? Please, I want a big plant so badly lol
Thank you guys/girls so much!

I am trying so hard to grow these babies. I have tried plenty of times in the past with all failure. This is the first time I am going online and seeking help though. I want so badly to see these babies grow nice and big but I just cant do it man! Right now they are tiny. Maybe 2 1/2 inches tall. They are turning colors and curling. They have been under incandescent light until about an hour ago when I just read CFL's are better. So I just went and bought a CFL. During the day time I bring them outside to get real sun, then when the sun goes down I bring them in because I think I read they need like 18 hrs of light. I do plan on these babies to be planted outdoors eventually. I have put some fertilizer in the soil recently. I hope they're not getting nute burn or anything. I really don't know what I'm doing, I'm doing SO much research but everyone says so many different things, you know? I don't know which people are accurate.
I guess my question is that they dont look healthy right? Can someone help me here? Please, I want a big plant so badly lol
Thank you guys/girls so much!